View Full Version : Anxiety panic and out of breath

23-08-14, 16:09
I've had panic attacks every day. Some mild some severe. I'm left exhausted from it all. I feel out if breath just making a cup of tea even when not having an attack. Is this normal?
I used to be running miles a month ago and now I'm shattered walking up the stairs!

anx mum
23-08-14, 16:21
Im the same having panic attacks everyday they make me feel exhausted really drain u. How do u cope with panic attacks?

23-08-14, 16:27
Hi Anx mum thanks for the reply.
I was having the attacks whilst in the shops and I thought it was low blood sugar so id have some coke and crisps then id be fine 5 mins later. I wondering if the drink gave me something to focus on and calm my nerves.
I find it hard because I live on my own so attacks at home are scary! My family are also hours away. Doc gave me some diazepam which helps me to sleep.
How about you? Any strategies to conquer the attacks and tiredness?

anx mum
23-08-14, 16:34
Its hard isn't it I suffer with health anx. I hate being on my own that's when I feel scared. Like yourself on meds diazepam one of them not sure if it calms me. I try and distract myself but so hard. Ive got a relaxion cd find it hard to get into it in

23-08-14, 16:52
What other meds do you take? Doc suggested sertaline to me but i wasn't sure. Do you have anxiety triggers other than being alone? Yeah relaxation cd sounds good but when you have anxiety your mind doesn't stop racing! How do you cope with the tiredness?

anx mum
23-08-14, 19:38
take sertraline 150mg its alright and a few others. Yeah don't like being alone when im feeling so bad. Sleep well when I can get to sleep

24-08-14, 00:22
Loubylou, have you tried Green Tea, it really calms me down and Chamomile Tea at night, makes you sleep better. x

24-08-14, 00:33
Ooo thanks I'll go to the shop tomorrow and get some! X