View Full Version : Pins and Needles in Face

23-08-14, 19:12

My anxiety levels seem to be on the increase over the last few weeks and today I think I had a full blown panic attack. After feeling very sick I moved on to having pins and needles down one side of my face and in to my jaw/neck. Despite having popped a calm me down pill my breathing appears to be ok but I still have the pins and needles in my face. Has anyone else had this?

Everything seemed to kick off with me having an unexplained cough a few weeks back.

24-08-14, 00:22
Do you suffer from migraines ? Migraines can cause pins and needles on one side of face. And they can be brought on by stress.

27-08-14, 21:13

My anxiety levels seem to be on the increase over the last few weeks and today I think I had a full blown panic attack. After feeling very sick I moved on to having pins and needles down one side of my face and in to my jaw/neck. Despite having popped a calm me down pill my breathing appears to be ok but I still have the pins and needles in my face. Has anyone else had this?

Everything seemed to kick off with me having an unexplained cough a few weeks back.

Yes, and it is completely normal. When anxious the blood in your body goes towards the organs. This is due to the flight/fight/freeze response. In a life or death situation, pumping blood to the skin is not important to survival and so blood is diverted to organs.. which need protecting. You body is tricked into believing you are in danger and then you are tricked by the symptoms into believing the symptoms are dangerous and therefore you are in danger..

Next time it happens, allow the pins and needles to be there, watch them as they change in intensity and strength...you will habitually fear them, so expect thoughts about that as welll..Keep watching and over the course of half an hour they will disappear..they may return again, and repeat the process..they are not evidence of disease or damage..