View Full Version : Intense fear of a brain tumour

23-08-14, 20:07
2 weeks ago I had a nervous breakdown after 4 months of on and off stress and was signed off work.

During the 24 after the breakdown I began experiencing brain fog which I have spoken about on here before: episodes of feeling spaced out and fuzzy headed, unable to mentally focus and feeling slightly disorientated.

I have been told by lots of people that it's common with anxiety but in the last 5-6 days I have also had daily headaches and it has triggered an intense fear that it could be a brain tumour.the headache are across my forehead but also in my temples, jaw and neck so I know it could be tension but still I am obsessed with the fear of a brain tumour to the point that I am getting more and more anxious every day.

I just need people's point of view.

23-08-14, 21:52
I am currently suffering with the same problem except the headache is at the back of my head and I'm lightheaded as well as the brain fog. It is very scary although saying that with in mind what has happened recently to you and where the headache is situated id say its stress and anxiety. It sounds like a tension headache as it is on the temples and forehead x

23-08-14, 22:02
I am currently suffering with the same problem except the headache is at the back of my head and I'm lightheaded as well as the brain fog. It is very scary although saying that with in mind what has happened recently to you and where the headache is situated id say its stress and anxiety. It sounds like a tension headache as it is on the temples and forehead x

I know that anxiety is the most likely cause for both of us but I find it so hard to not think "what if", especially with brain fog, up even though my brain fog is far far better than it was 2 weeks ago when it started, it is still the scariest feeling by far and it's very hard to find much written about it, and when you do it's often pseudoscience :(

Can you describe your brain fog and how it comes and goes and what it feels like?

I think your lightheadedness could be part of the feeling of brain fog, I described it as like being dizzy without the dizziness and someone else said theirs felt the same.

---------- Post added at 22:02 ---------- Previous post was at 21:59 ----------

I also have self very worried by stories of people who have brain fog permanently :(

23-08-14, 22:38
I find it hard to describe brain fog. I often say the title says it all like my head literally feels full of fog! It makes my head and eyes heavy, I can't concerntrate and get very aggitated. I just feel like I'm gonna fall over all the time and often just lay on the sofa prayin it will leave. I've had it constant from when I wake to when I sleep for the past 2weeks with lightheaded ness and then the headache is on and off. I get a lot of ringing in the ears too. I have a neurology appt on 13 th sept as I'm convinced its a tumour and I'm gonna be told I'm terminally ill it's awful! I have a two year old and I can barely play with her since this started it's just taking over.

---------- Post added at 22:38 ---------- Previous post was at 22:35 ----------

I also feel detached and like my eyes aren't in sync with my head.

24-08-14, 01:42
I've been getting headaches for a long time now. Based on the location of the headache, I can practically assure you that you don't have a tumor. I'd go into it more, but this post (http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php/topic,16974.0.html) as well as this post (http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php/topic,87010.15.html) on AnxietyZone and hopefully that'll put your mind at ease, :)

24-08-14, 08:07
I've been getting headaches for a long time now. Based on the location of the headache, I can practically assure you that you don't have a tumor. I'd go into it more, but this post (http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php/topic,16974.0.html) as well as this post (http://www.anxietyzone.com/index.php/topic,87010.15.html) on AnxietyZone and hopefully that'll put your mind at ease, :)

Thank you those were just the kinda of things I needed to see. You see, even as a junior doctor myself, we are taught a few bullet points about what makes a headache "sinister" but there's no context. I needed some context and I will probably go to my GP on Monday for a final bit of that.

To be fair, the girl I saw as a student had had vomiting and a severe headache so bad she went to A&E, mine just feel annoying and like you say they are mainly in my neck and basically feel like tension + TMJ, although I wish I knew why I was having tension and TMJ headaches every day :(

Worrying about this for the last few days, including in my sleep, has actually made me feel run down :(

24-08-14, 09:22
as far as i know most brain tumor symptoms are severe and don't simply consist of feeling a bit dizzy or spaced out. one of my friends had a brain tumor and she never felt dizzy she just got severe headaches when sneezing or straining and her first real symptom was passing out and having seizures which obviously couldn't be ignored. brain tumor symptoms are usually very severe and debilitating.

24-08-14, 18:03
I have always been unsure about this.. Is it true that brain rumours tend to cause severe headaches and not mild ones?

Even as a doctor I am unsure of this.

24-08-14, 20:09
I had a headache every day for three months when I was pregnant
I was at the doctors every week without fail begging them to send me for an MRI because I was sure it was a brain tumour

My gp told me time and time again it was stress related and caused by my anxiety
He also said that brain tumours nearly always present with a fit or seizure as the first symptom

I saw a chiropractor and my headaches went after 3 sessions x

25-08-14, 20:19
Thanks, that is also reassuring, the only problem is that I can't explain my headaches :(

26-08-14, 15:04
I am in the same boat with my headaches lately. I also get brain zaps but have had those for years. I have also suffered with migraines for years but I just can't shake this head ache that goes temple to temple, sometime also across the top of my forehead. Freaks me out every time. My eyes also seem so tired, I have glasses but don't typically wear them, I am at a computer screen 8+ hours a day but my mind still takes me somewhere else. Freaking me out!

28-08-14, 18:21
I've been to five doctors with my headaches. Most of them are one sided too, so that made it scary. Each and every one of them, even a cancer doctor, told me that there's no way I have a brain tumor. Think about that, five doctors. I'm sure you're fine! Y'know, I found that this nifty website here (http://round-earth.com/HeadPainIntro.html) can probably tell you what kind of odd headache you have.

29-08-14, 00:15
Tumors are seldom the cause of headaches. It is much more likely the source is elsewhere - the most common are lack of (quality) sleep, stress, dehydration (especially this), lack of fresh air and similar reasons.

29-08-14, 13:17
Are your headaches worse in the morning then get better? Are they always in the same exact spot? Do you have nausea or vomiting? Are you having trouble with your hands and feet (un able to control them), are you seeing double or triple vision?

Yes to all or any?

Chances are its still NOT a brain tumor. There are hundreds of things that can cause a headache.... so even if all your symptoms mimic that of a tumor, it most likely is NOT.