View Full Version : Woke up twitching

24-08-14, 14:33
I woke up twitching us this normal? I wondered how it could be anxiety related if I just woke up.

My docs have brushed aside the twitching and didn't say much about it.

24-08-14, 22:00
I have the exact same symptoms the areas also feel weak even though they are not

24-08-14, 23:58
Twitching is the muscle, can be anywhere on the body. Normally lasts for a few seconds. Cannot harm you, so don't freak out. It is the Anxiety reminding you that it is still there. If you ignore it, do something, it will get fed-up and Anxiety will be shut in it's box again!

25-08-14, 00:47
Thanks. I've had it less today which is good. I'm sue if my doc thought it was serious he would've done something.

I thought I was weak but it's all in the mind. My strength his fine. If I tell myself I'm tired then I'm tired!

Someone on a post said that no bad diseases start from twitching despite what Google would have you believe. Why do I still worry?!