View Full Version : please... could this be a anxiety symtom

24-08-14, 19:02
hi since yesterday anxiety been so high no matter what I done i.e distraction, relaxation go for walk it hasn't let up its never been this so high before and kept thinking wat if the anxiety is getting higher and higher and im going to pass out or die because I cant stop it, and not sure if I was getting intensed anxiety attacks or panic attacks but they kept coming , and every now and then just for a few seconds I feel abit funny like im going dizzy but not and as if something is pulling me back,sorry I cant explain it really just that it feels a stange sensation, but its worrying me why I keep getting this strange sensation and if something phsically wrong with me not anxiety, can any one relate to this or could it be anxiety sorry for posting but cant stop worring about it .

24-08-14, 19:51
Instead of suffering call NHS Direct on 111 and get some advice. That's what they're there for.

Do it and get some help.

Don't mention you have anxiety or panic as this will be a get out for them. Just tell it like it is, maybe lay it on a bit thick too.

Hope you get some help. Tell me how you get on please.

24-08-14, 20:18
The symptons are the same as I had last week and Dr did a questionaire and I had 18 out of 21 for anxiety
Did a depression too which was shocking as I had been in a great place when the first attack came , seems that little things over long term can add up to a culmination of anxiety attacks , I started with dizzyness without spinning , then a buzz/ numbness in the crown of my head , then tingles in arms legs and feet , these were all brought on by my own terror of having every known fatal disease known to man
Im 5 days on since my diagnosis and all the symptoms apart from a mild dizzyness and a very slight buzz in my head are gone .
Hope you manage to handle your anxiety too , apparently the medicines help a hell of a lot if you cant do it through lifestyle and or pampering like massage or the gym like I have .

24-08-14, 20:20
Hi Trish I been like this two for a few days and I keep saying it cuts meds but then I rember I have had times like this even before the meds I bet you have had these feelings before but I believe evry time we become anxiouse we think it worse than before but every time we panic we believe its not s#me bet your life you have had the same feeling many times scary every time xxxxxx

24-08-14, 20:25
hi shakey thks for reply, I was hopeing that maybe any one on here may have expreiranced what i mentioned before i foned 111 as i know i would panic more if they said I need to see a doc because id think that it something seriouse

24-08-14, 20:38
I was thinking your could call 111 for reassurance. In the very unlikely event that it is something serious (and I don't say that to alarm you), wouldn't it be better to get it treated early rather than wait and it gets worse when you may have to have longer treatment?

The hospitals are there to help you and make you better. They are there for reassurance and help. Use them!

25-08-14, 06:24
I believe thinking or feeling like you're about to pass out is a common anxiety symptom, yes. And as you said, your anxiety is very high today. I had something similar a few months ago when my anxiety was bad-- it felt like that feeling you get of physically nodding off to sleep--like that sudden jerk your head does and your eyes feel like closing. Only I wasn't tired at all. Very strange. So yes. It can be anxiety, but don't let today dictate your tomorrow. We all have bad days, but we all have good days too. Reassurance can go a long way and I hope seeing your doctor helps! Once you know it's nothing to worry about and will go as your anxiety fades, it can really help