23-12-06, 01:14
HI Everyone,

just wondered if anyone else has the same problem, but when i am low i tend to crave the comfort foods like choccy biscuits, cakes etc. i get up in the night and binge. then i feel so guilty the next day and resolve to not do it again, EVER, until the next night. my weight is spiralling out of control which makes me feel bad about myself. Now with xmas coming its gonna be even harder! i am fed up with being fat, i want to be normal

23-12-06, 08:42
Hi there,I get the same pet.I try and keep nuts and fruit around to pick on.I allow myself a biscuit a day.Try having a yoghurt at night if you have the munchies or a bowl of cereal.It is harder at christmas.

Ellen XX

23-12-06, 13:40
Hi there :)
I know what you mean. Comfort foods are hard to say no to when you are feeling down especially this time of year.
Maybe you could make a New Year's resolution to eat a little healthier.
When I have a craving now I drink a glass of water first and then eat a little something. It sounds weird but the water fills up my stomach some so I feel fuller and don't eat as much.
Also I have started walking lately and you wouldn't believe the extra energy it has given me.

23-12-06, 13:52
Try this.......

Constant craving for sugar or sweets

The sensation:

For some reason you have an increased and ongoing craving for sugar, sweets or chocolate. Although you may have a 'sweet tooth', these cravings usually go unsatisfied, while ingesting even more sweets leaves you with the same result.

The reason:

High stress biology and an over stimulated nervous system continually use up the body’s energy supply, even when the body is not physically active. Because of this continual energy consumption, the body requires more fuel in order to meet the demand. This fuel comes in the form of blood sugar. When you are feeling a craving for sugar, that’s the body’s way of letting you know it requires more fuel.

This in itself is a good thing because your body is letting you know it needs fuel (symptoms let the body know something needs attention). However, if you respond to this request with raw sugar (candy, chocolate, chocolate bar, soft drink, milkshake, flavored coffee, etc.), two negative affects happen:

The ingested raw sugar rapidly increases the body’s blood sugar. As a result, you may feel a slight surge of energy and well being immediately after the ingestion of a raw sugar. However, this rapid increase in blood sugar causes the pancreas to stimulate an appropriate dose of insulin in order to keep the body’s blood sugar within a normal range. This may make you may feel fatigued, dizzy, weak and emotionally poor because the insulin has reduced the blood sugar level too much.

In addition, if the insulin reduces the body’s blood sugar too much, the brain may automatically trigger an emergency response alarm which then adds more stress biology which may also make you feel sick, anxious and can even trigger a panic attack. It’s these types of blood sugar swings that can really upset you.

Usually these raw sugars also include caffeine (such as chocolate, cola soft drinks, coffee, etc.). When they do, the blood sugar swing is magnified because in addition to the rapid increase and decrease of blood sugar, caffeine is a stimulant that activates the stress biology. So now you have two boosts of energy which the pancreas has to work extra hard to keep in the normal range.

In affect, you are giving your body and nervous system a double whammy. As well, because caffeine is longer lasting than raw sugar, the body has to work longer to stabilize the blood chemistry. This longer action can often play havoc with a person’s symptoms and mental functions.

When you feel a craving for sugar, you should acknowledge it by ingesting natural foods such as vegetables and fruit. Since these foods contain natural sugars, they are broken down and slowly released into the blood stream. This prevents the sudden and rapid fluctuations in blood sugar. As well, these natural foods contain no artificial stimulants so you won’t be subjected to an increase in stress biology.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

25-12-06, 20:56
Thanks Nic, Last time I posted about this I felt an even bigger failure. Advice was not so positive. I am going to try to lose weight in the new year, but my psycho thinks when we have tackled to problems behind the GAD i will be able to lose it and keep it off! Hope you had a good Christmas. I did except for a small fire in the dining room, everything was great!!!!!

TC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25-12-06, 23:31
Sorry to give such a late reply. I too have problems with my weight and I find that with the GAD its hard to lose it. It makes it difficult to go to the gym and exercise as any change in my heartrate I feel like its a panic attack. I am at a stage now though where I'm really, really unhappy about it and with lots of encouragement I am learning that I'm worth the effort.

Good luck for the new year.

Viv xxx

26-12-06, 10:30
Thanx Viv,
I need to work on the 'I am worth it' bit. I always tend to put everyone else first, and find it difficult to give myself time. I am a 'people pleaser' nd put sooo much effort into trying to please others. I think my New Year Resolution is going to be

thanx for your replies guys,
TC xxxxx

26-12-06, 11:15
hi Bear,

Not much help this, but I wouldn't worry about it at present!! Enjoy the break and comfort eat as you please but look at '07 for putting stuff into place....as we all do!!

Thought Nic's stuff was pretty interesting Thanks Nic.

Take care and I guees Santa will be giving you a candle snuffer next year.


What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?

26-12-06, 12:43
i already had one ian, next to the candles, maybe i need an automatic one!!!

26-12-06, 17:07
Big hugs for me mate Bear xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Take Care


26-12-06, 17:11
I too am miserable with my wieght :(. Before I had my first child I was a size 8-10 and wieghed 7stone but now I'm an 16-18 dess size and wiegh 12stone!!!!

I eat even when I'm not feeling hungry, I do it through stress and boredom. These are habits that I'm finding hard to break. What I am doing now tho is just telling myself 'your not hungry you only ate an hour ago' and maybe go and have a glass of water. I watched a program a while ago that sometimes people mistake thrist for hunger. Try making a concious point of drinking a glass of water with meals and between and that will keep alot of the cravings at bay! Also don't eat junk food, none of it satisfy's your hunger. Make your own meals and always give yourself a smaller portion than your used to. I have started putting my meals into smaller bowls and on smaller plates. I have only lost a few pounds but slow and steady is the way to do it my doc says.

Plenty exercise also, make a point of walking places instead of getting in the car or on a bus.

Hope you find this helpful

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

26-12-06, 19:32
Thanx Claire,
I know what I have to do but doing it is a different matter!
New Year Res!
TC xxx

26-12-06, 23:58
Hi Bear,

My weight has gone out of control aswell. Thing is when I get down over my weight, I then eat more rubbish. Vicious circle really. Heres to a lose weight 07.

By the way, Candles!! I sell candles, incense, holders etc and guess what. I have an automatic candle extinguisher for taper canldes:D.

broadband.cyphus.com, switchboard.cyphus.com
There are many ways to stay in touch.

Keep focused, keep positive. Emma x

28-12-06, 14:54
Hi all,
I too am totally at a loss as to why I cannot control myself foodwise. I was a size 8 from age 16-30 but now am a size 16-18 and just over 12 stone. At 5 foot 1 that obviously makes me look bloody awful!:(
Am hoping to do something about it this year because it's now become a health issue but don't know where to start. It's like I'm on self-destruct and the worse I feel the more I eat, also I'm going outside less and less and the lack of exercise just makes matters worse.[Sigh...]
Can't believe I've let myself get to this size:(

29-12-06, 19:40
I was thinking about joining a weighwatchers club, I know it's expensive but my sister works with a girl who has been trying every kind of fad diet for about 10 years and none of them worked and she found she just slipped right back into bad habits. Since she has been with Weight-Watchers however she has been loosing weight nice and steady (the best way!) and isn't hungry and feels great!!

I have the wiegh****chers cook books, e-books, calculator ect here and could really go it on my own, but I think it might be the fact you do it as a group and have the support of others that helps you do it.

Why dont' you guys do something like that?

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

30-12-06, 22:11
Hi Bear

Just read your post.... I am totally there with you. (Sitting eating chocolate as I type.) Drinking water is a valid suggestion, or sometimes sugar free squash/cordial. But I have to say at the moment I'm too depressed about everything to be bothered to drink water. Its the chocolate I want, not because I'm hungry just because I like the taste and very briefly feel better. Then worse because I know I'm putting on even more weight and with self esteem as an issue already being this much overweight really doesn't help. So I get fed up and guess what .... eat more rubbish food! Sorry I haven't offered any helpful advice, but I can sympathise. Lets hope new year has more positive outlook and determination!


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

01-01-07, 16:23
I can so relate to this. I am well overweight and need to exercise but when I exercise and I start to get out of breath I start to panic that I can't breathe.

Me too, I comfort eat, but have been trying to eat healthier (well up to Christmas) due to PCOS I was diagnosed with in Sept.

Good luck

PS: Thanks for the info Nicola very interesting.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> It makes it difficult to go to the gym and exercise as any change in my heartrate I feel like its a panic attack. </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

01-01-07, 16:27
Oh my gosh. I get exactly the same thing!
Luckily, I haven't really put on much weight but in the evenings I really crave fatty foods. I always just thought I was greedy but maybe it's because I get so anxious and stressed out, lol. I'm going to try hard to snack on healthy things from now on.

01-01-07, 20:14
Thanx for all your feedback guys. I know that I have to do this as my weight is seriously out of control. I have been to weigh****chers many times jammie and am actually a gold member. I have started to listen to Paul McKenna's I can make you thin CD again, and am going to try some of the exercises in his book. Thanx again for all your support, and Happy New 'Thin' Year to all!

TC xxxxxxxxxx

12-01-07, 11:09
Hi bear,and all of us comfort eaters SNAP!!I am huge...6 stone overweight!There i have written it down!I binge starve and have been doing it for years!Have been slim now i am not,may get slim again,but i have lost all belief that i can sustain a healthy weight !I did wieght watchers and it is fab and it works ,so why does it go back on again and more!It is an emotional thing ,i am sure!I DONT WANT TO OVER EAT,BUT I DO!I have given up smoking ,i have learnt to drive,so why not eat properly and move my lardy arce??If any one has the answer ,i would be eternaly grateful...some say we are building a barrier,litereally!!around ourselves,using food.Low self esteem seems the biggie here,tho when i was very slim,i still had no self esteem!!Maybe we should continue this thread as a form of self help for those of us who struggle with our weight ??What you guys think???xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore