View Full Version : How to stop beating yourself up over having a set back?

25-08-14, 11:24
I'm currently going through one at the moment after working my butt off for months to get rid of my PD and agoraphobia on my own and it has suddenly all hit me again after getting a severe panic a few weeks ago. I feel pretty much the exact same way as I did before I made any progress. I do feel like I will have to start from scratch because everything scares me now like going into town and shops, going in the car for more than 5 mins etc. I'm so angry at myself and I have no motivation to spend more months building myself back up again, though I have no notion to stay like this if that makes sense?

I've been trying to do things slowly like by building up things again like go for a walk around my block myself, then go a longer walk with my bf the next day and when I done this months ago, I felt great. Every time I had done something, no matter how minor, it gave me such a boost and it kept me motivated to doing even more things. Now once I'm done doing something I feel nothing but anger and frustration. I know I'm being hard on myself but I honestly can't describe how this feels. Its like all the progress I made has just been cut away from me and I don't know what the hell to do any more. I've made another challenge chart were I wrote down all the things I was scared to do and made myself do each thing 5 times and by the fifth time, I was either no scared any more or I was only a little scared and this worked wonders for me when I first started getting over everything months ago but its having no effect now.

I know setbacks are a part of recovering but grrrr its just so upsetting, annoying and frustrating to feel like you are literally back at square one and all that effort you made for months on end has just disappeared.

25-08-14, 12:36
Hi GingerFish,

I am currently in the same boat as you right now I had a panic attack out of the blue while going for a walk, and now struggling to get out the house without the horrors of a panic attack. I basically feel down and angry at myself for sliding back down and getting myself into bad habits.

I dont know if I can help but maybe try doing a CBT workbook? Anyway I just wanted to let you know you are not alone.:hugs:

25-08-14, 13:27
Sorry to hear you are in the same boat too. Yeah I've got some CBT books to read and hopefully they'll push me back in the right direction.

29-08-14, 22:59
Today my mum and stepdad bought a bigger car since my papa needs more room now so me and my bf got their old car :D
Ever since getting panic attacks, I've always been on edge in a car but I'm hoping since we have our own now and can go out in it whenever we fancy, it'll be 100% comfortable in a car soon. I'm ok on streets and back/country roads but this is gonna sound silly but, I get terrified on bypasses and motorways and I'm only a passenger! This all started with my panics. So tonight my bf took me out for a little run and on the way back, we went on 3 small bypasses. I was ill and panicky but he couldn't tell. I've noticed a lot of people can't tell when you have a panic attack. So he said he'll take me out every night in the car and on the way home we'll go on the bypass and when I'm a bit more confident, he'll take me on them during the day when they are jam packed. Now we have our own car, we can go to Asda now. I'm still dreading that a bit! He said we can go at night when its quiet and just walk about a few aisles and see how it goes. Here's hoping this new car will help me get rid of these things panics have made me scared of! Once I'm better, I'll take up driving lessons.