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View Full Version : scared by all these symptoms

anx mum
25-08-14, 11:57
Everyday is a struggle at the moment. Getting horrid pains in my calf feels sharp and stabbing and is pretty constant also been getting chest pains im worried sick ive got a dvt/pe . My breathing dosent feel right either:weep: cant cope feeling like this

25-08-14, 15:33
It may be some sort of lack of vitamin or even lack of water. You have muscles everywhere. My best suggestion is maybe to eat a banana a day (For the potassium), or coconut water, and to make sure to keep hydrated. If you had a DVT it would be VERY painful, and swollen and red. Just remember to BREATHE. Try to take your mind off of it by doing something else. Do you have a busy hobby? To stop myself from panicing I took I crochet for a while. I was so awful that it took ALL of my concentration to do a chain, and I couldn't think of anything but that. I truly help you feel better soon

anx mum
25-08-14, 17:02
thank u for replying I do find that I am constantly worrying as my symptoms have been present for 10 days. I am off work at mo that was keeping my mind occupied. I hate feeling like this getting me really down

25-08-14, 19:31
Pains for ten days and you're still worried about deep vein thrombosis?

anx mum
25-08-14, 20:24
yes got a family history. Its swollen but not red or warm

25-08-14, 21:02
Sticky blood in the family?

anx mum
26-08-14, 11:52
Think im worried more cos my mum died of a clot. My pain in calf today is severe doc put me on a new painkiller called naproxen.

anx mum
26-08-14, 20:12
Having a really bad day the pains are feeling are scaring me have got pains in my chest, my leg is hurting and my breathing feels strange is there anyone out there to talk to?

26-08-14, 21:08
Do you have any relaxation / self hypnosis tracks you can listen to? Or something that requires concentration - someone mentioned crochet the other day?

You need to find a way of talking yourself down without the need for constant reassurance. No-one else can do it for you.

27-08-14, 02:39
Hi Bev

I'm sorry to see you back, if you know what I mean:ohmy::ohmy:

What has been happening in the last 9 months since you haven't been here? Did all these symptoms get better? If so, do you know what you did or didn't do? Anxiety can worsen on it's own or there can be a reason. I know that you're problems weren't just anxiety and that you did have physical disorders as well.

Anxiety about health can and will cripple us. I don't know the answer, if I did I'd bottle it and give it to you all.

I just wanted to say "Hi" to you.


27-08-14, 10:06
Bev I am going to be harsh

Looking back your first post about this issue was 6th January 2010!!

you are still here alive and typing on the computer?? so you HAVE NOT got got a DVT or anything like that... so what you have is anxiety and not the problems that your head is telling you you have.

You need to get help for the anxiety.

Think about it logically, you have had this problem for four and a half years now and you are still alive so that says it is nothing serious.

Trust your Doctors and the logical part of your brain.

27-08-14, 10:58
Bev I am going to be harsh

Looking back your first post about this issue was 6th January 2010!!

you are still here alive and typing on the computer?? so you HAVE NOT got got a DVT or anything like that... so what you have is anxiety and not the problems that your head is telling you you have.

You need to get help for the anxiety.

Think about it logically, you have had this problem for four and a half years now and you are still alive so that says it is nothing serious.

Trust your Doctors and the logical part of your brain.

Deep down I think Anx Mum knows this but I can't undertand why, after such a long time, she hasn't found some way of coping/distraction other than repetitive threads on this forum.

It's a case of if you keep doing what you've always done you'll keep getting what you've always got. It makes me quite sad actually - it must be exhausting.

anx mum
27-08-14, 12:20
I haven't had these problems 4 years constant. Ive been well working, learning to drive. Problems started 2 weeks ago cant help the way im feeling. Im asking for help cos I don't know what to do anymore im exhausted and basically had enough

27-08-14, 12:56
You need to do self-help Bev

Read the CBT4PANIC programme on here and work through it.

Read the How to Cope website page on the left.

Listen to relaxing meditation type recordings

Eat well

Get out the house and go for a walk and get some exercise.

Read some self-help books

You have to put the effort in here there is no miracle cure for anxiety but there is no point keep posting asking for help unless you are prepared to make the effort and get yourself well and yes it is hard work but you can do it.

27-08-14, 13:16
I posted this on Junot's thread about his heart fears. 8 years of fears, doctors, tests and still he suffers and doubts. I've been replying, pointing out the irrationality of it all. Unfortunately, irrationality is one of the most persistent aspects of HA. If one could trust their doctors and the logical part of their brain, they wouldn't have HA. I feel my last post applies here and with everyone... I hope it resonates....

I feel bad for you Junot :( Truly, I can't imagine feeling as you do for such a long period in your life. I know some of what I post gets through as your reply is totally rational and acknowledges the facts. Despite the facts and logic, your mind and anxiety drag you right back down. I wish there were an easy answer.

I have to believe that you want to get out of the hell of constantly believing you're ill. You said you've tried therapy and different meds to no avail. I have to also believe there is a way for you to tame this dragon. The way I see it, it's not much different than what I have to do day after day after day to continue to heal from my physical maladies. Truth is, I'll never be the same but I'll sure as hell make what I do have the best it can be. There are exercises I must do so I'll be able to swallow. If I don't I will lose the ability to do so. There are exercises I must do to maintain mobility in my shoulder and arm. If I don't do them, the mobility will worsen along with the pain. There are mental exercises I do every day to maintain a positive attitude. If I don't, I stand the chance of slipping into depression again. I have to really watch my diet due to heart disease. If I don't, I increase the chances of another heart attack and death. All these things require a real concerted effort. There are times I'm so tired of it all. I didn't ask for my heart problems or cancer just like you didn't ask for anxiety issues.

The way to healing is no different for you than it is for me. It takes a conscious concerted effort. It's hard work! It won't happen overnight. It's one day, one week, one month, one year at a time. Sometimes it's one hour or minute when things get really rough. I know, I've been there. They say a journey starts with a step. I believe it's time you took that step. This is a very supportive group of people who understand and will support and cheer you on. The worst thing that can happen is you take the same step for a while but it's so much better than going around in circles or being stuck going no where.

Positive thoughts

28-08-14, 08:35
I haven't had these problems 4 years constant. Ive been well working, learning to drive. Problems started 2 weeks ago cant help the way im feeling. Im asking for help cos I don't know what to do anymore im exhausted and basically had enough

But you've been given lots of suggestions on what to do when you've been here in the past, as well as recently. Have you forgotten them or just not bothered to try them?

At the very least, if there are times when you feel better and times when you feel worse at least one of these things must be true:

1. There is something that keeps your anxiety at bay. What do you think it is? If you don't know, why aren't you trying to find out?

2. If your anxiety comes and goes you know it will go away again - so why doesn't this reassure you?

These are questions only you can answer.

28-08-14, 10:32
For what it's worth, there's some great advice on this thread. I am a long-term anxiety sufferer and have come to accept that it will come and go depending on the external stressors in my life. I have also come to accept that there is no "cure" - because there isn't. It's about managing the condition, as if we had no anxiety at all, none of us would live very long, so it's actually an entirely necessary part of our makeup. Some of us just get more of it than others.

For my two pennyworth, the things that work for me are:

* doing things that stop me ruminating/worrying
* only allowing myself a limited amount of time every day to worry - a counsellor taught me this and it's worked very well. Allot yourself 30 minutes a day when you can worry as much as you like, then you have to do other things and keep refocusing your mind
* doing exercise, even if it's only walking
* try really hard not to seek reassurance as it doesn't work

28-08-14, 10:53
For what it's worth, there's some great advice on this thread. I am a long-term anxiety sufferer and have come to accept that it will come and go depending on the external stressors in my life. I have also come to accept that there is no "cure" - because there isn't. It's about managing the condition, as if we had no anxiety at all, none of us would live very long, so it's actually an entirely necessary part of our makeup. Some of us just get more of it than others.
The "cure" is realising that the symptoms are not dangerous, anxiety isn't the problem, believing one needs to do something about it is the "error". The disorder is an avoidance disorder, not an anxiety disorder. When one has retrained their Amgydala to react to anxiety differently, one is cured. This take time and repeated practice but it can be done.