View Full Version : New Head Pain Worry

25-08-14, 14:07
Hi, I know about the different types of head-pain you get with Anxiety, but this morning I woke as if I had been hit by a mallet on the back of my head. It even felt like there was a lump there. It was really sore and really painful. It took two hours for it to go away and now feels like it never even happened. I almost called 111, because the pain was so severe and I have not suffered anything like this before.
Normally I am quite good at ignoring the symptoms that Anxiety wants to chuck at me, but this one was massive!
And, to make things worse, I did what I tell everyone not to do; I Googled. And guess what it said? Brain Tumour! I knew it was going to say that before I even Googled.
Has anyone else experienced this? It was the lower part of the back of the head and more to the right-hand side.

25-08-14, 14:17
Hi Carnation
Have you ever had migranes?
Perhaps it was that,or have you had your hair done recently at a Salon?
Do you have a drop in facility anywhere near where you live to maybe get some reassurance?
Just trying to think what else it could be.:)

25-08-14, 14:32
Hi Aprilmoon,
I don't suffer with Migraines and never got headaches until I got Anxiety Disorder.
That's maybe why I get so freaked out. I've experienced nearly every type of head pain, but this one felt like I'd been it some sort of major crash. I like to think logically, and the rest of me felt ok. No blurred vision, no sickness, was able to move about quite freely and the brain seemed to be working as normal. I told myself it was Anxiety and stayed very calm. I did a few breathing exercises and then went back to sleep. Then on waking again, it was still there. Still staying calm, I got up and got myself ready and it just sort of disappeared. Even washed and blow dried my hair and I was fine. If Anxiety can really cause pain as severe as this, it must be one almighty powerful thing. it felt like someone had thrown a brick at my head or hit me with a hammer. I'll keep an eye on it, if it comes back, I will call the Doctor.

26-08-14, 00:57
Hi Carnation

Do you think you could have moved awkwardly in your sleep and hurt yourself without realising?

26-08-14, 01:20
No, I think deep down I knew it was Anxiety. It has completely gone now. Just goes to show what a Devil it can be!:scared15: