View Full Version : HA or real worry this time? Blurred lines

25-08-14, 16:01
Hello! It's been years since I've posted here. I know this is a silly thing to say but I do hope everyone is well and thanks in advance to anyone who is so kind as to read or respond to my post. I can't tell whether my dreaded HA is back or whether I should be worried. In the past I've had it all, skin, breast, cervical, lung, lymphoma, leukaemia, heart attacks with multiple tests and all fine. I've had a turbulent few years losing my partner at 27. During and since I have not worried about my health. Now I'm 30, settled and terrified. I haven't checked my moles or had them checked (this used to be my big worry) for about 8 years. And since then I've loads of new ones. So I had a little look a month or so ago and am terrified of each and every one of them. None of them are bigger than a pencil eraser, none itchy or bleeding. But lots are funny shapes and some have different colours. I'm so scared that I can't even bring myself to make a derm appointment. This is taking over and ruining my whole life It's all I can think about at home and work, with constant checking and constant googling. I've w even started checking STRANGERS for any visible moles to see if I can find ones like mine!!! And blowing up and zooming I. On pics of my friends to look at theirs!! My head is totally screwed and I just cannot snap out of it. I really need some melanoma reassurance if anyone can help! Thanks so much and all the best! Xxx

25-08-14, 16:31
Have you thought about perhaps making an appointment with a GP before a derm to get the basic idea. 9 times out of 10 the "suspicious mole" just ends up being exactly that. A benign mole that serves no purpose! Breathe! You will be okay!

25-08-14, 16:47
Hi! Thank you so much for your reply. I thought I'd go to the derm straight away in case the dr gets in wrong. Also meant to mention I'm really fair, blue eyes a d blonde hair which makes me category 2 risk, 1 less than the highest. Have also had lots of tanning, sun beds and a couple of sun burns so am really, really terrified. Xx

25-08-14, 17:32
Hi losing it. Tomorrow morning pick up the phone, make an appointment with the Dermatoligist. Do not google and leave the checking to the expert. You recognise this as HA rearing it's head so when the Dermatoligist gives you the all clear believe him, draw a line under it and don't let HA back into your life:hugs: Lucia.

25-08-14, 17:42
Thank you So much Luc x

24-09-14, 16:35
Hey! Did you get to the derm?