View Full Version : very worried!!!!

23-12-06, 07:30
all i do is worry about every little thing i feel in my body.. i get that feeling like i am in an elevator..... it feelis like i had 5 energy drinks.. it happens out of no where.. im always fatigued. always worried if im only gonna live till im 35! im scared! my worst fear is dying of a heart attack:( i suck i can never just let go and realize u guys are right its just anxiety. i get afraid to go to sleep sometimes to cuz then i feel like i wont wake up. i just want to be stronger.. help!!!!!

brandon town

23-12-06, 08:08
Hi. Please try not to be so hard on yourself. Most of us have thought we are having a heart attack at some time or another 'cos the anxiety symptoms feel so bad, but it REALLY IS the anxiety. I know it's hard to sleep when your breathing is all irregular and you have so many thoughts in your head. Try to relax and think of nothing.... you need a good nights sleep and you WILL wake up! Just think how many times you have felt like this and every time you were fine afterwards (no heart attack and you DID wake up)!!! Please try not to worry, your symptoms cannot harm you even though they feel absolutely awful.


shoegal x

23-12-06, 08:44
Hi its all part of anxiety pet.Are you on any meds?Its does get better.;)

Ellen XX

23-12-06, 13:16
Hi Brandon

It does get better - I have been just like this, terrified to go to sleep in case I died during the night. Paralysed by fear and anxiety. This is because I developed an ectopic heart beat after an operation. It doesn't matter that we are told we are fine - the negative thoughts are still there. All I can say is that as time passes you will feel better. After two years, most people who meet me wouldn't know that I am an anxiety sufferer. I found that writing down my catastrophic thoughts and then writing down a rational response helped me to see things more logically. I still worry about every ache and pain - I am anxious at the moment because my blood pressure is 'borderline high'. The thing is, I am still here and in two years of thinking I was about to drop dead nothing has ever happened. Like Shoegal says, the physical and mental symptoms of a panic or anxiety attack cannot harm you - they are horrible but it will pass. Hope you feel better soon.

23-12-06, 13:52
Hiya hun :)
I used to worry about my heart constantly!! I was also afraid to go to sleep at night for fear of dying in my sleep. The only thing that I can tell you is that when I accepted that what I was feeling was anxiety and then learned how to breath properly thru breathing exercises, I could head those rushed 'elevatorlike' feelings off.
I know how tiring anxiety can be. There were some days when all I could think of was sleep but I was too afraid to lay down so I would spend the whole day running around trying to take my mind off it and that made me more tired. It was a vicious cycle.
But everyone else that has posted is right - it does get better.
Just remember that no one has ever died from an anxiety/panic attack.
You are a strong person!!! Don't you dare put yourself down or I will have to kick you in the rear :)
I know that you will feel better real soon hun!!!

24-12-06, 01:21
thank u guys so much seriously i am posting a new topic. go check it out

brandon town

24-12-06, 02:05
Hi Brandon,
You are not alone. Anxiety can do so many strange things to our minds and bodies. Have you tried any breathing or relaxation CD's? I also use rescue remedy and find it helps to calm me down.
Take care,

24-12-06, 03:19
always worry about the heart problems. eventually i just get to the point where i say, well what can i really do about it?? if it makes you feel better go to the doctor and have an EKG...it'll put your mind to rest. im a Physician Assistant student so im beginning to be put at ease about some things, just because i've learned more about them. if you would like you could always PM me some symptoms and i can try to put your mind at rest. :-)


27-10-08, 00:40
Try CBT if might help you rationalise and put your fears into some order. If you are able to change the way you view your fears you may be able to retrain the brain back to its proper state. One step at a time, i'm sure you'll get there - thats what I'm trying

Good luck to you!!