View Full Version : b0yer's Journal

25-08-14, 21:30
I wanted to use this place as a journal for my thoughts and a place to see daily progress. I feel like there are a lot of threads that are created in a panicked state, but I wanted to start this thread to allow readers to see daily progress or how things can change one day at a time.

I am a 26 year old male in Boston, MA. I have a degree from college and work a steady job. I have a great family and friends as well as Pure O and GAD. 6 weeks or so ago I had an anxiety attack and I almost lost my loving gf because of it. After that I decided that I wanted to try meds for both OCD and anxiety. I went on prozac, but thoughts became really dark and I would have visions of suicide and violence. Part of that was OCD, but I did not want to stay on prozac as I could not sleep. I have been put on mirtazapine since and things have turned around along with talk therapy.

Anyways, that is besides the point. I want to use this thread as a journey. A place where I can write out my thoughts and a place where others can feel free to talk. We are all going to make it through this time. We just need to take it one day at a time.

---------- Post added at 16:30 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ----------

I wanted to post a few things that have helped me in the past few weeks get out of the depression and crap state that I was in. One thing that I did was FORCE myself to do something. When I was real bad, all I wanted to do was get comfortable in my own bed and watch tv and not be stressed or anxious (which I still was even when doing that). What I did was FORCE myself to do something. I worked on my resume, played a video game with my brother, went for a run, worked out. Eventually as I got able to sleep, things started turning around.

Mornings were really hard for me. I would wake up and have really dark thoughts, so what I started doing is telling myself that every day is a gift. Instead of looking at is like "ugh I gotta get up and go to work and do this or that", I looked at it as "Another day I get to wake up and go work where I could not have a job, earn a paycheck and be alive with my family". It is hard to do, but I pushed myself to get better at my job or learn a new skill, or even reach out to the new girl who is having a hard time with anxiety as well. Every day is a new day. So if you go to bed and have a crap day, tomorrow is new day. One you can beat.

Posting here helped a lot as well. Seeing other people going through what you are going through and reaching out always made me feel better. I probably will never meet anyone from this site, but it feels like a community. And in my darkest times, I can come here and be with people who know what it is like.

The best thing to do is occupy your mind. If you can stop thinking about anxiety or depression, or OCD, you can get and feel better. Focus on the task at hand. Worry about the other stuff later.

Catherine S
25-08-14, 21:34
Hi b0yer, very good to meet you :)


26-08-14, 18:49
Hi b0yer, very good to meet you :)


ISB-- Nice to meet you too! Looking forward to beating this anxiety and other come along for the ride.

28-08-14, 15:25
Wanted to post up an update that things are going decently well. I have been in a pretty good place for a few days now. Things seem to be turning a corner a bit. I have been getting a lot of work done at work although things feel really stale. This is my 4th year in this place and second year in my current position. I am taking things one day at a time and spending time with my parents as I am moving out of the house next week.

I feel pretty good about the move. I have lived with a roommate once for two years but moved home when he moved to NH. I didn't want to pay Boston rent myself so I moved home and paid off my debt. I saved up a decent chunk of change as well and am in a better place financially, but would like to get my salary up. I have been loose with my money since I would keep a lot of my paycheck, so I have to learn to grind paying rent and living on my own again.

I am looking forward to the challenge. being 26 and living at home is kind of tough. All of my friends are living with their SO's or married. I was single for awhile and had a real negative outlook on relationships, but I met a special girl and we are in a relationship now. It has been really hard for me but hard in a good way. There has been a lot of growth and I am not looking for validation through girls. Since being with her, I am focused on improving my life and being my own man, not an extension of my family. The only times I am truly happy though are when I am around my family and only have really felt safe being at home in my room with my parents around. I want that to change and I want to build a home of my own some day. Some place that I can call my safe-house. A place that I can truly feel "at home" without being in the home that I grew up in.

I have never really felt that sense of individuality. I can't really explain it, but I feel like I am still trying to make my parents and family proud of me and not me being proud of myself. I am starting to change that and not asking for as much help. I need to learn to do things on my own. I am the baby of 3 boys, so I always had my brothers to lead me and always did what my parents asked. Now it is time for me to find what I really want.

Part of me thinks I will end up alone and can't see myself being married, but the other part of me really wants a family. I had a breakdown about 6 weeks ago and what really got me through it was my family. Those moments and conversations I had with my mom and dad and brothers and sister in law really made me realize just how important family is. My friends and my brothers are moving on with their lives and creating lives of their own. I feel like I haven't done that and sort of slid through the motions. Being with her made me realize just how much I need to build my own life. I think I am a better person for it. I almost pushed her away because of my anxiety and OCD and I am glad that I didn't. Things got really bad that I would even get nervous to be around her, but things have started to change. I don't think things will ever go back to the way they were, but I think we will be stronger because of it. She stuck by me even in my time of anxiety doubts. I don't know if any of you have ever doubted everything in your life, but I did. OCD was tough, but that is why they call it the doubters disease.

Time to grow up. Time to become a man and take things one day at a time. I am also thinking of getting off of Mirtazapine. I feel like I have gained weight and my stomach seems to hurt while on it. It helped me sleep and get back to normal, but I don't know if I want to stay on it.