View Full Version : Panicking I have MS

26-08-14, 02:55
Hey, this is my first time posting but I have worked myself up so much I don't know what else to do...
So I think I have bad health anxiety, every week I'm convinced I have something wrong with me (for example last week it was tinnitus the week before I thought I had cancer because of certain symptoms and turns out I had a sickness bug).

I woke up today with part numbness in my toe and thought nothing of it because I had been walking round a festival for 12 hours in wellies yesterday. However when I got into bed I started to overthink it and research what it could be and one of the things it said was ms. I told myself I was over reacting and went to sleep but I have just woken up at 2.00am and I was unable to bend my leg for about 5 minutes (same side of body). It didn't hurt it just felt as if my kneecap was out of place or like there was something under it and it felt tingly. It was such an uncomfortable feeling. After moving it around I think it's ok now but I typed it into google (I know not a good idea!) and now I am shaking and convinced it could be multiple sclerosis. I'm so upset and panicky and I know it sounds stupid but I read the symptoms and because I've had weird feelings in two parts of my body I'm really struggling to cope now. I don't know what to do and I was wondering if anyone would be able to help with what these symptoms could be or if it's just me completely over reacting again! :weep:thankyou

26-08-14, 03:53
Was it actually numb? Like you couldn't feel it if you touched it?

26-08-14, 06:50
Yes my toe is still numb underneath, I have no feeling in it at all and it feels tingly on top. My knee/leg is ok now

26-08-14, 07:27
MS causes symptoms because the immune system attacks the myelin sheath around neurone cells in the brain and spinal cord (you can think of this as rubber insulation around a wire). The functions that particular bit of brain of spinal cord control then stop working properly, usually for weeks or months as it takes a very long time for the myelin to repair, or forever if it never does. As such symptoms that only last a few minutes are not caused by MS. What you describe sounds absolutely nothing at all like MS.

26-08-14, 13:44
Thanks for explaining it, I feel so much better. :)