View Full Version : Anxiety causing slow breathing?

26-08-14, 10:10
I have no idea what's going on at all.

I've had these issues at night for quite some time now but they've gotten so much worse.

I keep going to bed at night then I'll breathe normally, slowly drift to sleep then suddenly desperately breathe in for some oxygen. It'll be a very rapid inhalation that jolts me to being very awake. Normally it's followed by a feeling of vibrating all over my body, and quite often my heart will enter an abnormal rhythm for a little while.

Then I've been having issues with suddenly becoming rapidly awake after 1 and a half, 4 and a half, whatever hours, jolting upright and desperately inhaling, whilst feeling extremely anxious, as my heart rate climbs to something ridiculous (120-130). I also found that during any of these episodes, my blood pressure goes up to 130 over 70 (it's normally 105 over 70).

So this morning I was extremely scared and decided to see how I often I breathe, to see if I was breathing way too fast, or too slow, or whatever. It turns out I breathe between 4-6 times a minute, which is completely slow as hell. I don't know what to do.

26-08-14, 10:52
If you are only breathing 4-6 times a minute then you really should see a doctor about it.

26-08-14, 12:59
Might want to check that again. You wouldn't be here typing if you were taking 4-6 breaths per minute ;)

Positive thoughts

Female healthanxiety
26-08-14, 13:11
Slower breathing is always more beneficial then fast breathing (unless exercising of course).

It sounds to me like you are concentrating way to much on your breathing.

Easier said then done; but try and relax you a breathing and that's a celebration! xx