View Full Version : Feeling so Ill - don;t know what to do - WHAT IS THIS???????????

Female healthanxiety
26-08-14, 14:24
So sorry to ramble - really having a tough time today...and feel like I am on the verge of a massive panic attack at work.

Any people that can relate - would be a relief to hear someone who had had/has this and if you had a diagnosis or some solution.

1) Dizziness
2) stiff neck (as if my neck cant hold my head up)
3) Feeling hot again
4) blurry eye vision in my right eye (comes and goes)
5) ears don't hurt but feel a bit full (the right one again)
6) When I stop driving or stop anywhere when walking I feel like I am going to faint and things are spinning or still moving
7) eyes feel so heavy as if they are about to close any minute

I phoned my DRs and said that I have had enough of this - even when I am happy it is still there and is getting disabling now to say the least.

I even tried to go and get myself something to eat about half an hour ago and as soon as I got out my car felt the feeling again and as a result got back in and have not eaten - back at my desk now and have to wait until I finish if I make it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I feel like I am going to just collapse at my desk and the worst thing about it is no one is in today


26-08-14, 14:28
Just like you I have health anxiety. I often feel ill. And the worst part is I dont know when the symptoms I feel are me being physically ill, or whether I have brought them on through mental panic. Working out the difference between the two is hard.
My symptoms are usually:
- Feeling tired most of the time
- Upset stomach / feeling sick
- Pains in parts of my body
- Headaches
- Feeling out of body (like I have taken some drug when I havent)

It drives me mad, and has made me pay thousands to private doctors to help me. I hate it, I wish I didnt get worked up by it. I am at work now also and feel ill. So I understand. x

Female healthanxiety
26-08-14, 14:42
Thank you for your reply and sorry to hear you have some horrible physical symptoms, all of which I can relate to.

I just want to cry when I get like this - why me, why us? It is just not fair... I don't expect to feel 100% everyday but I would just like a break every now and then....

I try and try so much with self-help, but am running out of the lists of things to do.

I feel tired all of the time too! - but have just come back from a weeks holiday sleeping and look like I have not slept for a week?!

Funny you should say that -- when I was going up on the airplane - there is always a certain amount of the dizziness and heady feeling when you take off but mine felt exceptional -- that confirmed for me it's not all in my head (excuse the pun!)

I was also super relaxed (which is a first for me, ecspecially in a different country) and even then still felt it towards the end.

I hope you have not got long left to go at work - I have 3 hours x