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View Full Version : Pregabalin 25mg

26-08-14, 18:37
I've been prescribed 25mg pregabalin in addition to my usual 5mg escitalopram as I'm suffering from constant pins and needles/burning/stabbing pains/altered sensations in my feet up to my knees and to a lesser extent in my hands. I have no numbness at all and my GP said that I have very good strength in my limbs.

I suffer from Raynaud's and always have cold hands and feet when the temperature drops a bit. My GP says I am probably hyperventilating subconsciously and this can produce weird sensations etc..

Obviously pregabalin is used for nerve pain but I wonder how beneficial the drug would be if I'm just having anxiety symptoms which are mimicking neuro ones? I'm extremely sensitive to psych meds-aren't we all?- and have been hospitalised twice in the past so the GP is being very cautious.

Would a 25mg dose at night make me feel zonked out in the morning? I need to be alert as I am a full-time carer for my daughter and need to be able to drive.

I would prefer to try to rid myself of these symptoms myself now that I've been seen and reassured by my GP but would very much welcome any advice. Thanks in advance


26-08-14, 18:58
Hi Trish,

25mg is a very low dose and I wouldn't have thought would have a huge impact the next day. It might do at first however, so take it easy, take care if driving etc.

But you should be fine - preg is a very well tolerated drug for most people which is one of the reasons it's increasingly popular.

Good luck with it and come back here if you need more help.



26-08-14, 21:18
Thanks Albert! I'll give it a go when I don't have to drive in the morning.
Thanks for your advice.