View Full Version : I'm back :-( throat fears

27-08-14, 07:27
I'm back after a long time of managing my HA. First it was bowel cancer, then lymphoma, not long ago it was breast cancer but I battled through that and it came and went very quickly, and now I'm worried about tonsil/throat cancer!

I don't know why I even checked in my mouth, I didn't have a sore throat, ear pain or any symptom at all. But now, I'm obsessively looking. Then I've noticed how one tonsil looks slightly different to the other. (I think it's my tonsil, in all honesty I don't know) however, when looking in my mouth I'm seeing lots of things I've not noticed before and in all honesty I have no idea what's normal and what's not. All I do know is the more I'm looking, the more I'm panicking. And actually, I do have a sore throat now and neck from straining trying to look.

My uncle has recently been diagnosed with tonsil cancer and so I know where this has come from!

It's a vicious cycle and it's really bringing me down.

I don't want to go back to where I was a few years back, but it's getting that way :-(

I'm 32 years old and I have a husband and 2 beautiful children. I shouldn't be worrying about this stuff!

27-08-14, 17:51
Which things are abnormal in ur mouth or throat(as u think)?
Can u explain it to me?

27-08-14, 18:17
I could of wrote this. I randomly decided to lfeel in my mouth the other night. Have no idea why as I have no pain in there at all and I could feel sall these things that I have either never felt before or never noticed before. I hate when you generally don't no if it's normal and always been like it or not. I got myself so worked up I even felt a lump. But the next morning I felt in the same place and there is no lump. So I even imagine those now. My best mates dad has recently being diagnosed with cancer there after having what he thought was an infection there. So I no why the fear is there.

But hey your not alone. It's rubbish and I have no idea how to help if you have found something that works before then maybe it's time to start again

27-08-14, 19:12
That's the thing. Nothing out of the ordinary. It's all a bit lumpy bumpy around my tonsils, but this is he same both sides, just very slightly more on one than the other. It's all looks healthy. So soreness or hoarse voice or anything, we'll not until I started to constantly checked!!

This me rationally speaking though! Deep down I wonder if it isn't healthy!

I am on citalopram and I have started taking that 2 days ago so totally at the height of the HA. Hopefully it will start kicking in and calming me down very soon.

27-08-14, 19:42
I graduated with a bachelor's degree in speech pathology and we did a LOT of oral exams. Trust me, there are a lot of little muscles and bumps and crevices back there and sometimes there are little anomalies that are totally harmless, just different.

You're fine. I know it's hard to believe when you're worked up about it, but try going on a walk or playing a board game with your family to keep your mind off of it.

Tonsil cancer is actually very rare, *especially* if you don't have a history of smoking. I'm very sorry your uncle has it, but you don't :)

27-08-14, 20:58
You are okay, just accept that there is nothing wrong with them. You could even examine your husbands to see that everyone has different parts and that's okay. Stop looking up stuff because everyone knows when you start you cant stop! Just lay down, close your eyes and think of everything positive, hope this helps a little.