View Full Version : Help feel like in going to have heart failure

27-08-14, 09:10
Feelin bad again today , had blood test , ecg,s, more than once, but still keep getting pain I'm my left shoulder and left arm. And again I'm worrying I'm going to die from a massive heart attack, I can't concentrate on my job . Can't believe I keep feeling this bad. I'm scared x

Catherine S
27-08-14, 09:56
Hi dac, well firstly heart attack and heart failure are different things. Heart attack is usually caused by a blockage and that's when you feel the pain, but its not a twitch or a twinge its been described as feeling like there's an elephant on your chest. Heart failure is more gradual, when the heart isn't pumping quite so efficiently but that condition is much more common in older people. You don't give your age but statistically women up to the age of menopause are somewhat immune to heart disease because of the oestrogen which tends to protect us. If you've had tests done and they're all negative try to relax about it. I have family history of heart disease and i'm now 61 and had no signs of it yet!


27-08-14, 13:26
Thanks for your reply I'm 41 and yes it's heart attack I'm afraid of not heart failure, as my dad just suddenly died from one , just can't understand this pain in my shoulder thought and arm and all I read is women and sudden heart attack which can start off with gues what : pain in shoulder . Sorry for going on I just worry , I think ill book in doctors for a stress test which I think has you on tred machine with ecg attached x

Catherine S
27-08-14, 20:21
I think the clue might be in the fact that you lost your dad to this quite suddenly...my uncle died at 47 the same way, and also my grandmother at 58. My brother has survived 2 heart attacks both in his 40's. I suffered with heart attack fears for many many years, from my mid 20's and I also suffer with 'missed' heart beats which I take beta blockers for, not that they are organic because after years of tests including the stress tests on treadmills etc, my heart is fine and yours will be too I'm sure.


02-09-14, 12:54
Nice post.

03-09-14, 19:50
I feel your pain, that's all I can say. I have chest pains, arm pains, occasional arm weakness, and I don't know why they keep happening. I'm scared of both sudden heart attack as well as heart failure, but moreso the former. I don't want to go to bed and just..not wake up. Not when I'm so young..

03-09-14, 20:13
I've responded to your previous threads. I just wish there was something that could be said to reassure you but unfortunately reassurance is just a quick fix and then the fear comes back again :( You've been having symptoms for close to six months. ISB is onto something in that your dad had it happen. It's totally understandable that it would have affected you profoundly. Have you spoken to your doctor about treatment for your anxiety or taken a look at the free CBT course here? I hope you find a way to get a leash on this and feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

04-09-14, 00:39
If it helps, I have had all of the same (surprise surprise) and it appears to have been linked to heartburn but exacerbated by anxiety. Hope that offers some reassurance.

05-09-14, 11:46
Thanks for yr replies , my doctor supposed to b arranging cbt but not heard anything for bout 2 weeks since I seen them . Maybe they forgotten me . I know reassurance helps a little bit but when it's in yr head it's hard to get out . I kniw I need help . And trying . I just can't help worrying at the moment again I feel my symptoms must be worse therefore real deal and I am goin to have heart attack . Nobody else mentions ache in left top if back and left arm coupled with palpitations . X