View Full Version : X-ray results taking too long, i'm worried!!

27-08-14, 13:10
Hi Everyone

I had a chest x-ray done 2 weeks ago following a chest infection that not 1 but 2 courses of antibiotics couldn't shift, my g.p reassured me that because my phlegm was white that is a sign of the antibiotics have killed off the infection...

The radiographer told me my gp would receive the results in 7 days, it's been almost two weeks and I'm having nightmares about cancer i'm so scared... I keep saying to myself no news is good news but at the same time I'm afraid :ohmy:

I've stopped smoking recently aswell last week it was...

Anyone experienced this with waiting on results or a little reassurance wouldn't go a miss i'm so worried :weep:



---------- Post added at 13:10 ---------- Previous post was at 12:54 ----------

Sorry I forgot to mention it started off with a viral infection, a week later I couldn't breathe I had to go to a&e the doctor sounded my chest said he heard crackling in my right lung gave me a course of amoxacilin 500mg three times a day, a week later no change so my g.p put me on a weeks course of ciprofloxacin 500mg, a week later I'm back at the surgery and sent for an x-ray.. 2 weeks has past and no word :shrug:

27-08-14, 13:49
Hi Sky

Thanks for your kind reply

I phoned my surgery yesterday and the receptionist said to me "I don't know why they tell everyone 7 days it always takes 2 to 3 weeks" she also told me to phone between 9am and 10am in the morning to speak to the admin doctor and see about getting it fast tracked.. I later phoned the hospital which they put me through to the radiology dept I spoke to the receptionist there and he told me he'd flag it up because it hasn't beena report on it yet! Which I couldn't understand after telling me 7 days and you'll receive them, only thing I can think of is a back log and plus the patients that are admitted would come priority...

Reading your reply puts my mind at ease and I really appreciate it:hugs:, i'm sorry you had to go through this waiting game aswell.

Thanks again Sky

Petesy x

27-08-14, 15:27
Hi petsey
I had to wait bout 3 weeks when they said 7days to me I was so worried but you are right no news is good news mine were fine so all yours if it was cancer they would have been in phone by now x

27-08-14, 18:30
I no it's hard to not think the worst. But if it as something sinister then you would be told a lot sooner. The person doing the X-ray would of flagged it up to be looked at sooner. Hopefully you get the results soon x

27-08-14, 21:31
If it had been anything serious you would have heard by now. Are you feeling any better now? Bad chest infections can take weeks to clear up. :hugs: