View Full Version : i seriously think I've twisted my stomach?!

27-08-14, 14:29
for the past few days my ulcer and GERD symptoms have been acting up...this morning i was in bed and i turned over quickly and i felt the most excruciating pain in my stomach like a twisting stabbing knife pain. it was so bad it caused me to cry out. i laid on my back and tried to stretch it out again, after a while it went from excruciating to medium pain, it's not too bad right now but i can feel the sharp twisting pain when i move. im worried i could genuinely have twisted my stomach. my doctor told me i might have a hiatal hernia and i know pain this severe could indicate it's strangulated or wrapped around itself. I've been feeling nauseous too. im worried because it says the mortality rate can be 80% and i don't know if i can manage the idea of surgery and stuff. im only 21. i will be going to the out of hours gp but until then im going to be really shaky with worry. can anyone reassure me? :(

27-08-14, 14:52
Other than it's physically impossible to do so unless you're a dog, I don't know what else to say ;) Hope you feel better!

Positive thoughts

27-08-14, 15:56
Probably pulled a muscle?

27-08-14, 19:36
i don't think it was a muscle, it was a very deep pain and it worsened when i try to eat or drink anything. i didn't think it was possible for humans either but apparently in rare circumstances. it's called volvulus or something. some people are born with it and others suddenly can have it for no reason. im in pain now still. im going to the out of hours gp just now because i started feeling feverish with the pain. I've been having a lot of stomach and gi issues recently it's stressing me out so much.