View Full Version : Vertigo, dizziness, unsteadiness

27-08-14, 15:41
I really do not know how much more i can take. I seem to come here with so many Illnesses, I really am starting to think maybe i am crazy after all.

In the past i have suffered, chest pain, not being able to breath, bowel problems, ectopic beats so many tests but nothing... I really do not know how much more i can take, feeling the way i feel and not knowing why i am getting it all... here is my latest problem.

I went on holiday with my family on august 25th... i was weary as i had been feeling unwell, and it was making me very anxious... the reason being was a week before i had been getting really really dizzy.... I have suffered in the past with a horrible foggy feeling and feeling unsteady, spaced out everyday... but it had been going on so long i just got used to and put up with it 24/7... this was different tho....

I woke up and the room was spinning... and i mean going round and round... I looked at the t.v in my room and it spun.... i got up to walk to the toilet and it was still there. I held on the the banisters, but made it to the toilet where i did my blood pressure it was 84/56 I got up tied to walk downstairs then the dizziness cleared within about 3 mins i was back to normal...... I was really worried i was going to call my mum, and the fact i had children here, but thought against it.... checked my blood pressure was 98/64.... But i felt Okay.

I phoned the doctor, explained, she said it sounded like my BP had dropped and that what was making me feel so bad... she told me eat more salt if it happened again to come in....

Well that day i was still getting the dizzy Spells every time i bent down on moved my head down it would come on severe room spinning... I made an appointment saw the doctor, and she told me if i get it again... to take these Pills she gave me, she said she thought i had something wrong with my inner ear cant remember the name Of meds.... Began with a S.... but they treated... Vertigo, mania, depression, and other things.....

I never took them because the episodes seemed to have pass..... I was going on holiday, but not looking forward to it because as well as worrying about the dizzy spells i had bad pains in my chest and back and stomach... even telling my hubby i just did not want to go.....

Anyway i did.... first day was terrible, by night the pains in the chest got worse, as well my head was so foggy, I had trouble focusing on anything i read etc.....

We was getting ready to go out that night when i was getting out the shower when it felt like i was going to pass out with the fogginess.... My husband took me to A&E..... whilst they were more interested in the pains in my chest i had a ECG...... Chest Xray blood pressure, blood tests... they all came negative....

I had never been so embarrassed, When the doctor walked off i started to cry and told him i think i am going mad... he hugged me.... why did i have all this in my body??... all these symptoms, I felt so bad... I went home...

Funnily next day, the chest pains had gone.... I still felt a bit spaced out but so much better, I started to enjoy myself.... we went out to the clubhouse there that night, I had 3 glasses of wine, I do not usually drink wine so i got tipsy quick, but was in good spirits..... everything was fine.... got back to caravan was laughing with my son laid back and put my head back.... and when i got back up that was it..... The room just spun, so bad.... I just looked shocked said to my son i was going to bed.... as i laid down in bed.... it did it again..... i woke my husband totally in fear shaking telling him what was happening, he tried to calm me down, and he held me till i fell back to sleep.

Numerous times in the night getting up to go to toilet it happened again,,,, getting up in the morning did it again,,,,, hubby tried to reassure me i had all the tests and i was fine, but i knew i was not... I took the pills the doctor gave me.... they did not really work well......

Came home, the rest of the holiday was horrible vertigo everyday..... It got to the point i could not move my head without vertigo,,, so i looked on the internet for self help, I found something called the epley maneuver or something, and i thought to myself..... I cant feel no worse so i did it..... and it worked....... No more room spinning dizziness...

Thing is i have been left with spaced out horrible tired feeling again, had it in the past, but not as bad as this.... so back to the doctor...

Explained everything told her about the exercise i did, she said good.... Keep doing exercises, and stop taking those meds and start taking these.... More pills... she said i have labyrinthitis...... but here i am now, still with this horrible uneasy, foggy, unsteadiness pills not working and i really do not know what to do......

I cant live like this anymore, this is no life feeling like this.... I do not know what to do.... go back to the doctors, but what do i tell them, I feel so alone and lost.... I cant do anything with my children, stuck in the house because my head is not right....

What do i have?.... I am not imagining this..... I am so very tired of livingmy life like this....will i ever be normal:weep:...

Sorry this was so long..... I just do not know what to do anymore xx

28-08-14, 14:48
I am so sorry... I really am. I understand how we can feel like we are going mad! I have been there so many times. We want answers, but we don't want anything to show up on tests. But when the tests come back good, we are happy again!

UGH. You know, your anxiety truly can cause these problems. The dizziness, the vertigo etc. And you could just have vertigo. A girl I work with has it, has had it for years. No reason, its not sinister, just a complete annoyance that she has learned to live with. She does have meds though that help to even her out.

Its great that the docs have not found anything, that is amazing news! Try to relax, breathe and take it easy. I know its hard, but it sounds to me like you are just fine my friend :)

Female healthanxiety
28-08-14, 16:00
Hello Selphie,

I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this - I can relate.
Please feel free to read my post from a few days ago:-


I have a few more this week as well!

I can only sympathise with you on how disabling this makes you.

I like you have never been a dizzy person, I have always had issues with my heart, and have a fear of a heart attack/stroke, high BP - I have had many heart related tests done over the years, as early in the year experienced ectopic heart beats.

I have just come back from a week in Cyprus and did not want to go (JUST because of how dizzy and unwell I felt) but I did and now I am back its all started again but worse, like cant even walk!

Do your eyes hurt or feel weird?

How are you feeling at the moment?
has your DR prescribed anything for the dizziness?

Mine yesterday gave me Stemetil, took 1 last night and I felt so so so dizzy (didn't think that I could feel any worse).


29-08-14, 22:53
I am so sorry... I really am. I understand how we can feel like we are going mad! I have been there so many times. We want answers, but we don't want anything to show up on tests. But when the tests come back good, we are happy again!

UGH. You know, your anxiety truly can cause these problems. The dizziness, the vertigo etc. And you could just have vertigo. A girl I work with has it, has had it for years. No reason, its not sinister, just a complete annoyance that she has learned to live with. She does have meds though that help to even her out.

Its great that the docs have not found anything, that is amazing news! Try to relax, breathe and take it easy. I know its hard, but it sounds to me like you are just fine my friend :)

Thanks so much for getting back to me, sometimes it feels like i am so alone. I do not tell my family as i am tired of them telling me its all in my head.

I think the fact i started to get vertigo made my other Dizziness worse, but because i worry so much i am now at a point to know whats an illness and what is just me:huh:.

I am trying to live with all this, my 3 year looks at me, and i feel such a failure, that i worry about my problems so much, I cant be the mother i really want to be. Everybody is so happy in my house, so carefree and then there is me, going through the day worrying day in and day out xx

---------- Post added at 22:53 ---------- Previous post was at 22:44 ----------

Hello Selphie,

I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this - I can relate.
Please feel free to read my post from a few days ago:-


I have a few more this week as well!

I can only sympathise with you on how disabling this makes you.

I like you have never been a dizzy person, I have always had issues with my heart, and have a fear of a heart attack/stroke, high BP - I have had many heart related tests done over the years, as early in the year experienced ectopic heart beats.

I have just come back from a week in Cyprus and did not want to go (JUST because of how dizzy and unwell I felt) but I did and now I am back its all started again but worse, like cant even walk!

Do your eyes hurt or feel weird?

How are you feeling at the moment?
has your DR prescribed anything for the dizziness?

Mine yesterday gave me Stemetil, took 1 last night and I felt so so so dizzy (didn't think that I could feel any worse).


Thanks so much for talking to me, sometimes i feel so alone with all this... I do not mean this in a nasty way, but its good to see that i am not alone, and i have someone else that actually understands me, and knows how i feel.

I have been so very dizzy today, sometimes i have to hold my temple and squint my eyes that my head feels so weird:weep:.... Yes my eyes always feel weird i will try to explain.... everything feels to bright and as i look around it feels like everything is not real, feels like i am in some sort of daze... Its so hard to describe, a few hours later after getting up i feel so tired again...

At first my doctor said it was inner ear and gave me Stemetil..... But when i went back to them explaining more symptoms and extreme room spinning dizziness they took me off them and put me on these tablets called betahistine dihydrochloride.... and told me to take these everyday, but they are not working...

I have made another appointment, I am going back, I cant live like this anymore, its no life.

I will look at your link. Its really good to talk to you, been feeling so very alone Xx