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View Full Version : Heart or Head?

27-08-14, 19:27
PLEASE HELP. Basically ive got anxiety and its really distressing all the time. Its a constant thing, can anxiety symptoms be all day everyday? They get worse and more scary in situations when in out of my comfort zone which is basically everything outside my house. I often think in dying of a heart problem or disease and i just cant get it out of my head. I went to the doctors twice and i was physically checked 1 and he said it all sounds okay. I also got seen by a hospital nurse on a earlier occasion and she said everything was fine. But i still think something is wrong, can anxiety be like this? I mean i am calm sometimes and relaxed laying down but my symptoms are still there, i get shaky trembly breaths and sometimes feel like im not breathing right, even if i take normal breaths like its wrong and irregular. It has gotten worse recently, but is it just a coinsidence that is has and I'm always expecting something serious is the cause? I cant go on like this and when i concentrate on my breathing it panics me more, is there something wrong with my heart? I'm only 16 also and this is taking over my life already. I have tryed accepting it like many people say to do with anxiety and just wait for it too pass but it never passes and its still here..whats wrong with me?:( Please Reply.

27-08-14, 22:31

Hey, relax, yes it all sounds like anxiety and yes you can feel like that all day :)

It sounds like you're doing something called self monitoring. You're watching yourself closely, noticing everything, probably tensing up.

Do the opposite. Find something to completely throw yourself into. Painting, drawing, whatever you can lose yourself in. Try your very best to forget yourself.

Anxiety is like a trap. If you're thinking about it and looking for it you're in it and you'll find it.
If you completely lose yourself in something else your body and mind gets a chance to do everything easily and automatically again.

Don't spend all your time thinking and worrying about it. It's like a trap it just keeps you in it.

Stay away from things like sugar, it's not good for anxiety symptoms.

It's ok to forget it all. I know you feel like you want to worry about it but do the opposite, become completely absorbed in something different. Find something that makes you laugh, feel good.

It'll get better, don't worry. :)

27-08-14, 22:54
Thank you very much, things that are different or a change e.g. I don't go out much or going to work or even just walking down the street trigger it off always, when my mind thinking about it it cant be dropped no matter what i do? The symptoms do a good job in making me believe its serious:-(