View Full Version : Symptoms never go

27-08-14, 20:51
Basically i have anxiety symptoms all day everyday, is this normal? I am always worried there is an actual serious problem and i get worse in different situations but the symptoms i get, weakness, feeling unwell, dizzy, tight chest, cant breathe, like im not breathing at all and shaky trembly breathing is there even when in relaxed, what can i do...

27-08-14, 23:03
Yes it is normal...completely. As strange and intense these feelings are they are nothing more than symptoms of the flight/flight/freeze response which, if you can allow, will subside naturally. Thats the hard bit, the feelings are so powerful they persuade you there is something very wrong and so you begin to avoid them...avoidance then becomes the defactor response so you never learn they are totally harmless and natural. Study closely the work of David Carbonell as the method he shows will, in time, cure you

27-08-14, 23:05
My breathing felt horrible today aswell, know exactly how you feel, I try to tell myself that if I really couldn't breathe I wouldn't be able to stand up and would have passed out by now hope you're ok x

28-08-14, 03:15
I have simuilar experiences, I feel like I can't breathe 24/7 but I have to keep reminding myself that I'm still alive and can walk, talk, eat, sleep and nothing new happens other than the feeling still being there.

I think for me the reason why I never feel normal anymore might simply be because I'm still not happy with my life and the key to feeling normal is finding out how to be happy again. I also expect that's something that will take a very long time to do. You have to have faith, ambition and patience. Hope this helps

01-09-14, 04:40
Been through it all, currently on week 6 of constant weakness and overly sensitive parts of my body, no fun, but I'm gonna head to my GP soon and see what can be done to help.