View Full Version : Just need someone to tell me I am being ridiculous

27-08-14, 23:03
I've had one sided migraine type headaches for about three months not. I also keep getting a tightness in the left side of my face and my left inner ear also hurts. My teeth on the left side also hurt. Oh, and I get burning behind my left eye and the left side of my neck hurts, front and back.

My endodentist told me it's probably trigeminal neuralgia, chiropractor says occipital neuralgia and ENT says TMJ. I don't see how it can be trigeminal neuralgia since the pain is not so bad as they describe on TN sites, despite being a constant pain. Plus it's not a shooting pain. My headaches, although there, and throbbing, got a lot better after some deep tissue massage, and the pain is so mild for the most part that if I am kept busy I can almost forget about them. But if I am sitting down I just hurt. The back of my head, near my nape also hurts, like someone is hitting it.

I have a neurology appointment on the 15th of next month but really, it seems that none of my symptoms are really brain tumor related. But I am still frightened it could be. I'm scared it could be TN even though really it doesn't seem that my symptoms fit that. I just don't know what's wrong with me and I'm frightened. I'm dreading the neurology appointment (or rather the results of any testing). My face and head on the left side also itch a lot. Urgh!

27-08-14, 23:08
Have you ever been in an incident where this side of your head was somehow involved...a fall perhaps or some physical violence, even many years ago, possibly childhood?. Allow the pain and feelings to be there without the slightest resistance and see if any images or memories appear. It may be trapped energy from an earlier incident that needs to be exposed to be released, a form of PTSD

27-08-14, 23:12
I can't come up with anything. All the different doctors have asked me and I just can't come up with anything.

I meant to say - chiropractic treatment gives me emporary relief from any pain at all - surely of that were the case it wouldn't be anything too serious.

28-08-14, 00:38
This sounds like classic referred symptoms from some sort of cervical spine misalignment. Have a look at cervicogenic headaches; very safe to google. ;)

Btw this is very common in anxiety due to tension stored in the neck and shoulders.

28-08-14, 14:32
I get the same thing, except mine comes on both sides, My eyes hurt, feel tired, I have stomach upset and a thumping in my ear that won't stop. My doc says it my tube or a muscle twitch but I am not buying it. I am sorry, I know how hard this is to deal.

Catherine S
28-08-14, 15:54
I agree with Serenity...I was referred to a chiropracticioner because I have a slight curvature which can slightly alter how I hold my frame and he also told me a misaligned spine can cause referred pain in the head. I get this type of headache, almost identical to yours including the eye, cheek and inside my ear and mine is only ever on the left side too...ive been getting this type of headache for years to be honest, and when i feel it coming on I know i'll have it for a few days. Its not excruciatingly painful and I can just about manage to sleep at night, but its there the whole day for a few days and it just nmakes me feel exhausted. I take ibuprofen because anything stronger just spaces me out, so the edge is taken off but that's all.