View Full Version : Why aren't I asleep.

Shapeshifting Lizard
28-08-14, 02:57
I've been drinking the whole day more or less. I finished it off at my local where I had a good few straight rums. Came home, nearly asleep, and my stepdad and mum were having a row. I was awake then. I thought I know there's a day's booze in my body, but I'll have a zopiclone. (I am prescribed for the time at least). This continued, I took another after half an hour cause I was feeling more awake. Now it is 3am and I am posting this after an entire day of booze and 15mg zopiclone. Why am I still awake?

28-08-14, 03:09
I don't know why you're still awake but drinking and sleep meds is a very dangerous combination.

Positive thoughts

28-08-14, 14:39
I hope you are attending AA or cutting down by yourself at least? As Fishmanpa said, very dangerous. If you don't treat yourself responsibly your body won't act in your favour.