View Full Version : So so scared!!!! Please help!

28-08-14, 10:52
Hey Guys,

A lot of you might of seen stuff I've posted before basically I have had a lump in my neck for around about 6 months now it hasn't got any bigger and apart from what I think is slight ibs I have no other symptoms. I went for an ultrasound and the consultant said he doesn't think its anything but to reassure me he is going to send me for an mri. I went for the mri last Friday (which was a horrible experience btw) and now I have just had a call saying that my mri results are back and the doctor would like me to make an appointment to discuss them, they have given me an appointment for tomorrow which is unusual as it usually takes ages to get an appointment at my doctors I didn't have the dye put in as the nurse couldn't find a vein so said if needs be i'll just have to go back. My question is, is it normal practice for a doctors to call you to make an appointment for mri results and so soon ? I'm literally terrified I feel like my whole life has just gone awire I'm at work atm and don't think I can cope please anyone else that has had a similar experience help :( I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE !!!!

28-08-14, 11:53
You are in good hands and everything will be okay!!!

28-08-14, 12:27
Yes, it is normal. They are probably aware of how anxious you are, and don't want to keep you waiting!

28-08-14, 14:28
I agree with Seeker, they are probably aware of your anxiety and want to get things moving for you so you find comfort. Please keep us posted!