View Full Version : wierd bleeding

miss diagnosis
23-12-06, 15:21
I went to the toilet this morning and there was blood in it
Now there is blood on tissue. its bright red. Im really worried its somehting awful, could a tumor on my cervix cause this?
My boyf reckons its hemmorrioids but im not convinced. Doc closed till after xmas

23-12-06, 16:04
Hi,it could be piles or a slight tear in your bottom[:I].There are doctors on call if you are worried.

Ellen XX

23-12-06, 16:16
There must be something going around cos I had the exact same thing this morning as well!

I am hoping it is a one-off but will keep an eye on things so to speak!


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23-12-06, 16:31
Found this post as well ...

Bright red blood in poo (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=10346)


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23-12-06, 16:39
If its bright red blood it is more than likely piles or even a tear. These can happen very easily and are nothing to worry about.

Has it died down yet?

"Smile Like You Mean It"

24-12-06, 09:35
Hi there i had a problem with piles as well. I had blood on tissue and even blood coming out when i wasn,t even doing a number 2. Once i got suppositories from doctor it cleared up. The cream didnot work i don,t think i was using it properly.. It most certainly is piles and also a friend i know has the same thing. She says i have jinxed her.x

sheree ritchie

24-12-06, 10:08

I have had this on and off all week, as long as it's fresh blood then it's piles or strain down below.


24-12-06, 11:15
hi missy
i agree with the others its a sligt tear in your bottom or as us cockneys say farmer giles-piles lol! i get this myself from time to time great eh! dont stress too much missy its really nothing to worry about have a merry xmas
mick and farmer giles[^]

my life has been full of terrible events most of which have never happened!

miss diagnosis
24-12-06, 14:23
thanks all. its gone now!! was defo piles!!! thanks!!

(must be da cold!)

27-12-06, 00:22

I have had this on and off for years. Doc said to me, if its bright red then no panic. scary to find, but don't worry. This may help people

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Keep focused, keep positive. Emma x

27-12-06, 00:32
bright red usually means there isnt any major problem, the bleeding is most likely coming from a tear right at the edge. i am a PA student and i am taking a medical science course and that was one of the things the Doctor told us about!


27-12-06, 04:56
I had this problem this year. I have had bleeding in the past from having kids and getting piles, but one day I noticed it on the stools. That had never happened before. It was bright red blood.

Well did I get myself in such a panic. I got into the doctor that day and he sent me to a specialist to see what he thought. Well that took me a month to get into and by this time I was a mess. I cried as soon as he started talking to me. My grandfather died from bowel cancer and I watched him go through it all and I was convinced that I had it too even though I knew that it would only be piles.

I had a bowel scan done the following week and it was all clear. I also had the piles banded off.

Bright red blood does mean piles or a tear but it is always best to get it checked out.

Sorry this is long but it was something that I wanted to tell someone about and I feel that I can share anything on here with you all.

27-12-06, 13:58
I thought I best do an update for you all on my situation!

Mine got considerably worse and it looked like there was loads of blood coming out. I had it all over Xmas and then today got up early and went down the docs to get an emergency appointment.

She had a look and said I had piles and one had a slight tear in it so that was the one that was bleeding.

She said it was usually from straining too hard - particularly with constipation. I explained that I had quite the opposite last week as I had a bout of diarrohea so she said it was probably the fact that I was going quite frequently that it had strained the blood vessles and lead to piles.

Anyway there is nothing I can do but let it heal on its own and settle down.

So there you go! Nothing to worry about in the end.


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27-12-06, 22:06

I think it is fair to say that you are not dying of a horrible disease and neither are any of the other people on this board without knowing about it.

**** me, life is too short for this. If you are bleeding from your anus then unless it is a gunshot, I would not worry about it, and I AM a worrier.

Good to hear that the Dr told you it was only piles, first time and last time you will hear me say that!

27-12-06, 22:44
Glad all is fine Nic.

broadband.cyphus.com, switchboard.cyphus.com
There are many ways to stay in touch.

Keep focused, keep positive. Emma x

28-12-06, 16:34
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">[8D]

I think it is fair to say that you are not dying of a horrible disease and neither are any of the other people on this board without knowing about it.

**** me, life is too short for this. If you are bleeding from your anus then unless it is a gunshot, I would not worry about it, and I AM a worrier.

Good to hear that the Dr told you it was only piles, first time and last time you will hear me say that!

<div align="right">Originally posted by unicron - 27 December 2006 : 22:06:08</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

A little harsh I thought as of course it is worrying when you bleed from somewhere where you aren't supposed to.

I don't have Health Anxiety so it didn't particularly scare me but if you look on google for things like this then you will almost certainly see sites that say see the doc asap as amongst loads of things it "could" be cancer.

It would be stupid not to get something like that checked out each time in case it was something else.

I posted my experience so other people can be reassured by it but also be aware that you should get these things checked out if they persist.


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28-12-06, 18:26
I had this for about a month in the summer and it was a harmless rip. Even saw a doctor and he wasn't worried.