View Full Version : Cant Accept This!

28-08-14, 12:01
I cant accept 100% that everything i feel is anxiety, i feel awful and its a constant thing. I feel like my breathing is trembling all the time and in not breathing properly Ever! IM scared, nothing will get it to go... My mind thinks its a heart problem or some disease, when i went to the doctors he checked me and said everything was fine..but how do i feel this strange...? I also feel weak and sick. Would he have picked up on it when he listened to my breathing???? My mind keeps saying that he missed it.. Please help any advice would be much grateful!

28-08-14, 12:11
I feel exactly the same way....from the moment I wake up, I feel sick (shaky/internal trembling, dizzy/off-balance, muscles feel weak, nauseous, heart racing)....and yes, I feel this way almost every day....I've had countless tests done and they all come back normal, so my doctor has diagnosed me with anxiety. The trick is to trust and believe, and I've not mastered that yet...it's difficult to comprehend that anxiety can make me feel so physically horrible....it's beyond frustrating. I wish I had some advice to offer, but all I can say is that you're not alone.....I hope you find some comfort on this site.

28-08-14, 12:38
you there?

28-08-14, 14:01
It was kind of hard for me to accept too. Have you ever seen the medical drama House? There's an episode where they are on an airplane and one person gets sick (he had been scuba diving and almost immediately gone up in a plane - bad idea). But everyone on the plane believes he has some weird contagious disease, so everyone starts showing the *exact* same symptoms. Even one of the other doctors on the plane gets sick! Ultimately, it's a testament to just HOW MUCH POWER our minds have.

Anxiety can do lots of things. Look at it this way: you've gotten the all-clear from the doctor. Now you face the big hurdle that many of us with health anxiety will face - believing the doctor and moving on with your life.

My advice is to distract yourself. Play games with friends, go shopping, go on a walk. Anytime you begin to think about your breathing or your weakness, put it out of your mind completely and think about something else. It will be a very conscious process for awhile, but the real problem lies in your unconscious so you'll have to stick with it. Unconsciously, you believe something is wrong so you constantly notice it AND your body continues to display the symptoms it thinks it needs to. Consciously, you need to realize that there's nothing wrong and ignore it completely until your unconscious mind just gives up and at that point, your symptoms should alleviate.

Have you considered any kind of therapy by any chance? It proves very helpful for many.

28-08-14, 15:00
Wise words, Poppy....I wonder why it is that we (I) keep searching for answers and explanations where there aren't any? For me, it's because there is still a part of my sub- or unconcious mind that doesn't believe that it's all anxiety....and as long as that tiny little part is alive, it feeds the beast....quite the conundrum! I find myself constantly worrying about my health and wondering "what if the doctor missed something" or "maybe I didn't do a good job explaining my symptoms and that's why he thinks it's anxiety"....it's absolutely mad! And when I do go to see the doctor (which is more often than I care to admit), I feel better for about ten minutes and then the anxiety comes creeping back in....I just want to be my old, carefree self :weep:

28-08-14, 19:51
You could give up trying to accept...and give up caring as well. The trick here is to tell yourself you don't care if there's something wrong with you, all that will happen is it will get worse, get better or stay the same, and you can deal with each scenario should it happen. Adding worry to it is pointless, let time take it's course. I'm 100 per cent certain it's anxiety, but why not save the bother of trying to change your tired mind if you can just not care?

28-08-14, 22:34
Wise words, Poppy....I wonder why it is that we (I) keep searching for answers and explanations where there aren't any? For me, it's because there is still a part of my sub- or unconcious mind that doesn't believe that it's all anxiety....and as long as that tiny little part is alive, it feeds the beast....quite the conundrum! I find myself constantly worrying about my health and wondering "what if the doctor missed something" or "maybe I didn't do a good job explaining my symptoms and that's why he thinks it's anxiety"....it's absolutely mad! And when I do go to see the doctor (which is more often than I care to admit), I feel better for about ten minutes and then the anxiety comes creeping back in....I just want to be my old, carefree self :weep:

I completely understand. I get that way too.

I also lost my beloved dog about 6 months ago and ever since, have been paranoid about losing my other dogs. So I think I notice a "symptom" and am worrying and fretting over whether or not it's something or all in my head.

It's definitely a hard road, that's for sure.