View Full Version : Muscles Feel Weak/Tired

28-08-14, 12:22
Anyone else suffer from (perceived) weakness/fatigue in their muscles? Mine feel shaky and tired from the moment I wake up...almost as though my legs won't support me and my arms feel heavy and tired too....they feel trembly, but inside (if that makes sense)....feels as though my limbs are going to start convulsing at any minute.....I'm freaking out a bit, as this symptom doesn't seem like classic anxiety...anyone else feel this way? It's been going on for several weeks now.
I should add that I've had a bunch of tests done, and all appear normal (bloodwork, ECGs, MRI).

28-08-14, 14:35
Yeah it's common. If I wasn't lying on the sofa sick I'd get my claire weekes book and cite you the relevant section.

I went to the doctor about it too. I had it to varying degrees for about 2 years. It's extreme fatigue and worry about it that's its root. I thought I would collapse at any moment and not be able to move. very scary at times. It got better almost instantly when I re-read the section in claire weekes book. Don't worry you dont have to read it, all it said was that this was a symptom of anxiety. And because it got better without any medical intervention it was majorly influenced by thoughts about it.

28-08-14, 14:46
Thanks for the reply....I should have mentioned that, in addition to the sensation of muscle weakness/fatigue, my heart feels a bit "racy" (although my pulse is well within normal range) and I'm a bit off-balance and fuzzy-headed...all of which should have pointed me to anxiety. Not sure why the muscle thing scares me so much, probably just because it feels so unusual. And I love Claire Weekes...I've got two of her lecture series on audiobook and listen to them often...just still struggling with the "acceptance" part....everything she says makes perfect sense to me when I hear it, but putting it into practice has proven very difficult....I suppose I'll just need to be patient. :ohmy: