View Full Version : How do you get through the days on a lead up to a scan?!

28-08-14, 19:37
After many months of pelvic pain with no relief i have finally managed to get a scan for next wednesday.....But im petrified!

This is something that i have been pushing for over the last 6 months or so as symptoms have not eased and the constant aching and knawing pain has had me so worried and i have convinced myself i have something bad.

So now the question.....How can i get through the next 6 days?! My husband thinks im mad, i dont want to worry the kids and in all this i just want to pull my hair out :(


29-08-14, 01:53
It's tough. I always obsess leading up to tests, even yearly doctor appointments. The best thing to do is just keep telling yourself that you will finally have some answers. Reassure yourself that you are going to be okay because you will be :)

29-08-14, 06:12
Thanks RoseEve

It's very hard but like you say im hoping to have some answers to what the pain is, i think im so worried as i have lost my aunty to cancer this year and my mum was diagnosed in january although she is doing very well at the moment after her chemo.

I think it's the waiting that is the worst, once its over and done with i can start to move forward :)


29-08-14, 13:14
Oh I am the same way!!! I hate hate hate the waiting game, waiting for the appointment, waiting for the test than waiting for the results. It never ends! But imagine the relief you are going to feel when they tell you, that you are fine :)

29-08-14, 14:32
Same here... waiting on results is the worst i have myself convinced of bad news and even play out in my head being told... its mental.

30-08-14, 08:45
Im glad im not the only one then! It's mental really, there are so many other things that it could be but i think because of the fear we automatically zoom in on the worse possible scenario!

Thank you both so much, knowing im not alone really does mean alot!
