View Full Version : Lump left side neck. Help!!!

29-08-14, 02:14
Hi all.

I've noticed a lump on left side of neck (not visible but can feel) and I can feely pulse in it. I'm so so afraid it's lymphoma. I don't know what to do.

29-08-14, 03:56
Sounds like you've just found a lymph node that's over the blood vessels I can feel one in the same place with the pulsing don't worry about it, not lymphoma!

29-08-14, 03:59
You thought you had breast cancer, cervical cancer, bowel cancer and stringy poop... none of which were proven to be serious or true. What you do have is a serious case of HA. It's not lymphoma... I'm willing to bet the house on it ;)

Positive thoughts

29-08-14, 11:08
It feels bigger than the other side!

29-08-14, 12:52
If you keep poking and prodding things then they will get sore and larger.

Leave things alone.

I thought you had already been to see a doc about this and told it wasn't anything to worry about?

29-08-14, 19:56
Now I'm worried she didn't feel what I'm feeling

I need to keep this in check. I need to stop prodding.

30-08-14, 02:41
Ugh and I can't stop thinking I have it. I had flu weeks ago surely glands would be down now

30-08-14, 05:47
It can take a long time for glands to go down, especially if you prod them. I know how dreadful it can be waiting for lumps to go down without checking them (I'm trying my best to not do it now), but give it your best shot, and stop the negative thoughts!

31-08-14, 05:10
It's just like one gland, is that normal? I can feel it and argh convinced it's cancer. I googled (duh) and so many sites say swollen glands are a cause for worry!

I'm worried that when doc felt my neck she didn't feel the lump I am feeling and her statement that she wasn't worried doesn't really apply now...

---------- Post added at 16:10 ---------- Previous post was at 13:23 ----------

My neck hurts too. Also my jaw and left side of face. What's wrong with me :(

31-08-14, 07:07
Your doctor is much more reliable than Google.

Have you tried keeping your hands off your neck? Your not doing yourself any good by prodding, only irritating the node and feeding your mind worry. Your neck, jaw and face probably hurt because you're hands are always at your neck and you are constantly thinking about that area. I made a rule for myself to keep my hands off of my neck, and I've been feeling much more relaxed the past week. I know waiting is tough, but give it your best, and I bet you will feel much better, physically and mentally. Try this for a few weeks, and if you still can't rest easy, go back to the doctor for reassurance. :)

31-08-14, 07:19
My left side of neck has been sore for a few months now. I had wisdom teeth out couple months ago and the pain did decrease but still sensitive there. I had flu and a sinus infection a few weeks ago. It's still sensitive now around jaw and neck. Also been getting some pain headaches just above left eye. Went to optician and I need glasses am short sighted one eye and long sighted in other! Have only been prodding neck for a couple days so months of pain can't be due to that.

31-08-14, 21:36
Has your lymph node been swollen as long as you have been feeling sore in your neck? If not, no need to worry about the pain being caused by the node. If so, I still would not worry because the doctor told you not to. Have the headaches been there for months as well? They could be caused by anxiety. Did your doctor give you a time frame to return if the node did not go back down or the pain increased?

31-08-14, 23:26
Doc is away for a month and she said to see her when she was back. I knew she said she wasn't worried, and I should be taking this on board. Headaches are most likely anxiety or dehydration or some such. I don't know how long the node has been like this, I only noticed it a few days ago. It could have been like this for ages or it might not be. I don't know!

01-09-14, 06:29
I'm sure you'll start to feel better soon, especially when you can stay away from Google and stop messing with the node. Just remember that your doctor felt it (she must have felt the node if she recognized it as one) and said it was nothing to worry about when you start to panic. Sounds like a tough wait, but if you can keep your mind as busy as possible the month will fly by and you will get your reassurance.

01-09-14, 08:46
It was weird, I mentioned the sore neck to doc and not the node - because at that point I didn't know it was there! She felt my neck and said it could be swollen gland/s or it could be muscular or something. I don't actually know if she felt the node at all...

Which brings the HA to dance it's wicked jig and leaves me thinking, what if she didn't even feel the node? So when she said to not worry, she wasn't worried cause she didn't feel t! If she had felt it maybe she would be worried...

01-09-14, 22:38
This is so hard.

02-09-14, 04:31
She did mention lymph nodes, so even if she did not feel it but suspected something she would have sent you for more testing or warned you to keep a close eye on your neck. I know it's hard, but waiting is the best option. Remember that the chances of an enlarged node being harmful are very, very small, and if the doctor thought an enlarged lymph node could hurt you she would have told you so. Hope you start to feel better soon. :)

02-09-14, 04:37
Thank you mm36, you've been a really great support to me and it's much appreciated.:)

02-09-14, 10:00
Hi Puzzled Lass,

I've been away on holiday, come back, and see you've moved from bowel cancer to lymphoma.

"Glands" means lymph nodes (okay, there's also your thyroid gland in your neck, but your doctor would have picked up goitre). Do you know what the lymph system is?

02-09-14, 10:38
Yes, that is correct hanshan.

I know very little about the lymph system. I know that glands/nodes swell when fighting infection and that we have hundreds of nodes.

02-09-14, 12:49
Hello Puzzledlass,

I have to say I'm no expert either, and as far as I know what you say is correct. The main point is that when your doctor talks about "glands" in your neck, they usually mean the lymph nodes, which are small bean-shaped organs that keep the lymph system operating. If your doctor feels your neck, they are automatically feeling to see if they are swollen.

03-09-14, 04:45
How do I know it's not early lymphoma?

03-09-14, 10:13
How do you know it is early lymphoma?

03-09-14, 10:46
I don't. But I also don't know it's not either... :S

03-09-14, 11:39
I noticed the same thing 9 years ago in my neck. Dr said was fine, I wouldn't believe him, went back multiple times to be told the same thing, in the end I have up and I'm still here!! So it can't of been bad! Xx

04-09-14, 03:15
Still freaking the flip out over this!

---------- Post added at 14:15 ---------- Previous post was at 10:20 ----------

I googled Delta Goodrem. What the actual. I punish myself!

04-09-14, 04:43
I don't know what that is and I don't think I want to know. Stop using Google. You said it yourself, you punish yourself. The only way to start feeling better is to put this at the back of your mind. You will get your reassurance, but until then, you need to find yourself a distraction! You know how small a chance there is for a swollen lymph node to be harmful and how you were already told not to worry, find something to keep you busy and your rational thoughts should overcome your anxious thoughts.

04-09-14, 05:29
Hi Puzzled Lass,

Your doctor has felt your neck, and not detected any abnormality. Your doctor feels the necks of many people every day and has spent years in training and practising this skill. Your doctor can identify all the different structures inside your neck and list possible problems and abnormalities.

However, if you persist, your doctor will probably order tests, particularly if they are not expensive or invasive.

If, as the doctor believes, there is no abnormality and the tests come back clear, a persistent HA sufferer will start to doubt the tests, or simply move on to a new illness.