View Full Version : [New here!] ALS scare, advice?

Astro Chimp
29-08-14, 04:07
Well I'm new here so this post may be rough around the edges and probably short. I am 15 years old and I am worried sick about als. Before anyone asks I had this fear before the ice bucket challenge. Back to the story, I have noticed a sort of twitching in mainly my legs and more recently I have been feeling a sort of weakness. When reading up on als I find it is VERY uncommon for someone my age to have it. My reason for posting this is not to be told if I have it or not I am asking if anyone else has had the same thoughts.

Past panic attacks:
Brain tumor (Not completely over)
Heart problem (Sort of)

Other info:
My anxiety is severe.

29-08-14, 11:35
Hi Astro,
ALS is so common to be scared of when you're a HA-er like us :)

I myself am going through a scare, and countless others too, we all have similar thoughts to you, and it's a scary scary horrible thing.

I know you said you're not looking to be told if you do/ don't have it, but it never hurts to hear- You do not.
ALS isn't a "sort of" weakness, it's a profound "Oh sh*t I can't move my leg" weakness.
And twitching is totally normal, everyone twitches, some just don't notice (lucky people!) but now you're all hyper aware of it, and reading into things. When your anxious, all your chemicals and nervous system go crazy and make it worse. Such a vicious cycle.

Hope you're having a good day & feel better soon

29-08-14, 12:25
The chances of getting this in your lifetime are .002%

Positive thoughts

Astro Chimp
29-08-14, 13:16
"Oh sh*t I can't move my leg"
Thanks for the help and I want you to know the text in the quote made my day.