View Full Version : Don't know if this is anxiety or I'm actually ill??

29-08-14, 11:43
I've been away from home for 6 days and each day I have felt horribly sick, I'm now wondering whether it's caused by my severe anxiety or I actually do have a bug? Has anyone else been through the same thing? X

29-08-14, 11:53
'fraid not

29-08-14, 13:39
Hi Izzy, it's quite possibly anxiety. Do you get homesickness ? I feel very sick when I'm anxious.

29-08-14, 14:47
Hi Izzy, it could be anxiety, I get a bit queezy when I'm anxious. Or you could have a wee bug of some sort. If ita something new and isn't accompanied by any other symptoms I wouldnt worry too much, just wait and see if it goes away. If it gets worse or you get other symptoms then I'd say make an appointment to see your gp. Everybody gets bugs from time to time. You'll be fine :)