View Full Version : Never free of nagging amxiety and doubt

Polar Bear
29-08-14, 13:38
My story is a long one but for the past 40 years I'd never felt really free of anxiety. Mine is a constant feeling of often low level increases in heart rate, digestion issues, swallowing problems etc. My body now seems to be slowly worse after such a long long time of trying to get better.

I've recently had a few periods of feeling a lot better but there is always something to worry about and some bigger issues always come along (some real some imaginary).

I find myself in yet another loop and struggling to stay positive that I can overcome my general life issues and also this never ending nagging anxiety which is slowly destroying me.

Have been on medication in the past and almost went on them again a few months ago (even have some citalopram in the house but didn't start them). Trying to resist using them.

Counselling has helped me and I've been going less frequently as I was feeling much better. Something always brings me back down though.

I'm struggling to know what to do. I'm sure like many on here I'm so tired and worn out of the going around in circles trying to find the way out!

Any positive thoughts please?


29-08-14, 14:19
You and me both I been a suffer 46 years its been less some times I suffer panic and agoraphobia that'as always been there but was a time i could go out with safety people now I don't even do that as because wen I did go. Out I was always anxious wearing a mask of pretending to be okish wen inside I prob was in a not and want I g to go home were I use o be safe now I have to be home with my husband whom is suffering depression now because of me he feels trapped xx

---------- Post added at 14:19 ---------- Previous post was at 14:16 ----------

I don't mean I have to stay home because he depressed I meant because I not stay home lone and its made him depressed because of this