View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms when not anxious??

29-08-14, 20:59
Background: Had a stress meltdown 3 weeks ago after 4 months of chronic stress, worst part of my anxiety is health anxiety, and this has gotten worse having developed on and off brain fog since the breakdown.

I'm finding that brain fog and/or sudden spells of lightheadedness/wooziness will come over me at times when I am actually not anxious.

Is this normal?

30-08-14, 03:16
Totally normal. One of the reasons anxiety is able to persist and effect us in the way it does is because even when we're not knowingly anxious, subconsciously we still are. So our "symptoms" and anxious feelings continue and since we're not aware that we're anxious, we convince ourselves that means the things we are worrying about are REAL since they are persisting, which in turn just keeps up the cycle.

Are you on medication or doing therapy?? Meditation may help as well.

30-08-14, 13:25

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

30-08-14, 14:16
Totally normal. One of the reasons anxiety is able to persist and effect us in the way it does is because even when we're not knowingly anxious, subconsciously we still are. So our "symptoms" and anxious feelings continue and since we're not aware that we're anxious, we convince ourselves that means the things we are worrying about are REAL since they are persisting, which in turn just keeps up the cycle.

Are you on medication or doing therapy?? Meditation may help as well.

Hi, thanks for your reply!

I'm not on any medication, mood wise I'm doing ok without it, I just have this persistent health anxiety, but at the moment it feels like the symptoms are coming before the anxiety which is making me doubt it's stress related.

I will be having a great day then suddenly I'll just feel this wave of brain fog and my heart will start to race and I'll just feel like "something is wrong" with me. It's quite a scary feeling :(

If it came over me when I was thinking about stressful things, as I still often do, I feel like it would be easier to think it is anxiety related - but it actually seems to hit me when I feel at my best :(

30-08-14, 18:34
Hello Anonybrit,
That is exactly how Anxiety performs. Not when you are in the throws of a stressful situation, but when you are relaxing or not doing anything. The symptoms will normally come before a stressful event or after. It can peak during if you let it, it's a very complicated illness. And, for some it can lead in to Health Anxiety. The Mind sends signals of danger coming or a stress related event. With us sufferers our Minds are receiving too much of a signal that then causes all of these physical symptoms. The more you Panic over the symptoms the worse they become. It's like 'double bubble'. You have to tell yourself and your brain when this happens that there is no need for this Panic, you will be ok. It is a breakdown and there comes a time when you will come through it. Haven't you ever heard of someone saying; "Oh, where's so and so?" "Oh, they had a breakdown" Then after 2 or 3 months they reappear.
Some people it affects more than others and they lose their confidence and don't want to go back in to the out-side world again. But the best way is to fight it, that's why they call it the "flight or fight" and to face your fears. It can all be very scary because the "Health Anxiety" will make you think there is something seriously wrong with you and how can the Mind give you so many different bodily symptoms. But, it can. Time, patience and changing a few things in your Life can help to improve the way you feel. And, once you have all the checks that you are healthy, you must accept this and not think, "they must have missed something?". Until you do this, your Health Anxiety will not go away and it will get worse. As time goes on you will feel better, then WAM! It's back again. But, it does this. Firstly to remind you that it is still with you and secondly, that your Mind/Body has not yet fully recovered. While all of this is going on, depression can set in, which is only natural. So, it's very important that you find some time to do stuff that you enjoy as well as things that will clear your head; like a gentle walk or listening to your favorite music. Just hang on in there, keep calm, let the body repair itself and you will come through it all a new person. :)

01-09-14, 00:27
Thanks so much for your thoughtful reply!

My lowest since this all started was that day 3 weeks ago when I was signed off work. Since then things have definitely improved, mood, thoughts and symptoms, but I still feel like I am very much in the trough and not climbing out of it very quickly :(

I still worry daily about my symptoms, particularly the brain fog, and if it's not worrying about it being something nasty it's worrying that it will never go away.

I really just wish I could see a road to recovery but right now I can't imagine all these symptoms going away :(

01-09-14, 00:51
I can totally relate to when you said ....

"come over me at times when I am actually not anxious."

I was having a relatively ok day today, I`m off work and on holiday and was sitting minding my own business at home with a glass of milk when it just arrived. It was like being sneaked up on and tapped on the shoulder.

Started off as a bit of pain in my throat like acid reflux , then it turned to full heartburn and feeling bloated and sick. For nothing. Nothing brought it on. I thought I was on the mend so it really gutted me and it lasted about 4 hours. I don`t too feel bad on here sharing my feelings as I know I`m not alone