View Full Version : Sleep Anxiety?

30-08-14, 02:19
Every day now I've been experiencing a strange onset of fatigue and disorientation. My left arm goes lame and aches periodically. It feels weird all day and night, regardless. My muscles feel like they've been drained of any/all energy, that or they'll feel like they are all attached to anchors. I'll get light-headed and dizzy off/on. My memory is poor these days. I can hardly recall what I did a few seconds ago, let alone a few minutes or hours ago.When I try to muster up the strength to go for a walk, I'll feel the draining sensation then, too. I'll also gradually become disorientated. Like the set-on of depersonalization/derealization? Something like that...it's worrisome to me no matter which one it is and that in turn causes more anxiety and panic. Like, I'll be in the middle crossing the street or walking on the beach and BAM - it'll strike out of nowhere. My heart has also been acting up as of late. It'll either feel like it's not beating ENOUGH or it's beating too fast/hard. I become very focused on my heart beat and very often check the pulse in my wrist to measure it. My chest feels awfully tight/weighed down off and on, too. Sometimes I can't shake the feeling no matter what I do.

At night, I dread going to sleep now. I wake up with my heart doing this weird *BOOM..BOOM...BOOM...BOOM...BOOM* thing. It'll beat slowly but very VERY hard, almost as if it's forcing each beat. Whether I have a nightmare or not (and I do experience very vividly disturbing nightmares..) it seems to repeat this rhythm no matter what. Also, when I'm laying in bed and suppose to be at rest, it still beats as if I'm jogging or something. Fast-like and hard. Why is this? This makes me very uncomfortable and I get so panicky about it that I just don't want to fall asleep for fear that I won't wake up or something. Again, I focus so much of my attention on it so I'm probably noticing it more than I should..not to say that it's any less of a concern. I also get palpitations and a skipped beat sensation from time to time, depending on what it is I'm doing. I usually get broken sleep because of this back and forth battle all-throughout the night. I wake up feeling very uneasy and absolutely exhausted. My whole body is sore and will sometimes feel feverish. I'm sure all of this is taking a toll on my physical self, a pretty hefty one......

I'm always on edge. It's like I'm psychologically and physically on E but my body and mind are on over-drive and couldn't care less if I have the energy to expend or not. Combined with the day-time symptoms, the night-time horrors, and everything else in-between, it seems like I'm locked away inside of my own prison and there's no way out. Search as I might for the "key" so to speak, I never EVER find it. I just feel worse and worse as the days go by.

Any suggestions or similar experiences/stories? Anything at all would be greatly appreciated....I'd do anything for some answers to all this madness that came on abruptly a few months ago.

I have a physical scheduled with my doctor the 5th.
I've been drinking hot chamomile tea at night before bed.
I'll put some acoustic music or soothing instrumentals on as I try desperately to calmly drift off into sleep.
I go for daily walks for about an hour or so.
I've been trying to eat more healthier but it's difficult because of limited income, so I sort of have to work with whatever I have, ya'know...?

Anyway....be well, all. I hope you're at least doing better in life than I am.