View Full Version : support or solitude?

23-12-06, 21:12
when you are feeling anxious do you need people around you or do you need to be alone?

23-12-06, 21:19
I go to bed, close the blackout curtains and put in my earplugs,at the earliest opportunity if I am really anxious!


25-12-06, 21:28
yeah me too, i banish my husband and daughter and shut myself away writing in my journal and desparatly listening to self help cds!

25-12-06, 23:27
I can't answer any of the above really. I tend to want to be alone but never get the chance to be, if that makes sense!!! With two 8 year olds and a very unsupportive husband, I can't really lock myself away even though thats what I'd like to do!!! LOL

Really hard day today because inlaws have been round and they really don't get me!!!

Viv xxx

26-12-06, 13:21
you poor thing, i've sent my husband and daughter off to the inlaws with out me claiming an upset stomach. my husband is wonderful and his parents are lovely i just couldn't bring myself to go. have surrounded myself with self help cds but its no use i am a complete basket case today