View Full Version : Ménière's disease

30-08-14, 08:25
Hi, have just spent the night in hospital after collapsing at home. Have been feeling dizzy and sick all week with a banging noise in my head. Was worried doctor would blame everything on stress but he has diagnosed menieres instead. Totally shocked. Apparantly this can share some symptoms with anxiety so now not sure what to think but am really scared. Has anyone come across this before?

30-08-14, 10:44
I have come across this illness. Some one I know has it.
She has had it for years, and copes very well.
I don't know what meds she is taking though.
Take care x:hugs:

30-08-14, 14:58
I recently heard about it after going through a 2 weeks of feeling off balance/light headed. The doctor brought it up to me but dismissed it because I could move my head from side to side without being dizzy. I'm sorry you have it but from what I've read there is great medications out there to keep it at bay. I pray you feel better soon!!!