View Full Version : Hard lymph nodes - so anxious

30-08-14, 09:50
So I have been suffering with health anxiety for about a year now... Had chest pain in the right side of my chest, an x ray 4 months ago showed nothing wrong. I then started suffering headaches in the right side of my head, then I started feeling a reoccurring cold patch at the front right side of my head, and at times the feeling of cold liquid filling up inside my head (again on the right side). One day I was at home and bright yellow liquid started pouring from my right nostril.. All these symptoms over a few months turned me into such a mess. The doctor examined me and sent me for blood tests and everything was fine. I have been feeling better and all those symptoms have dissapeared....

But 4 weeks ago I was feeling above my RIGHT collar bone and a hard, moveable lymph node hs appeared (maybe 1cm-1.5cm). This was never there before. My doctor said all was normal but I didn't believe him so paid to get private blood tests done (full blood count, thyroid, vitamin D etc) all came back normal. I was feeling so much better and moving on (the lymph has not gone after 5 weeks), but now a small smaller than pea sized hard, movable lymph has also appeared in front of my right ear!! I am so scared, I have no infection or inflammation so what could this be?! I can't get cancer out of my head. I am in my early 20s. I don't know what to do, why has another one appeared?! I also have a constant feeling of pleghm or liquid in my throat this has gone on over 1 year since I stopped smoking 6months ago. I also have neck pain and upper back pain, all on the right side.

Can anyone ease my anxiety? I am so scared.

---------- Post added at 09:50 ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 ----------

I had a reiki session 3 days ago (before lymph in front of ear appeared) and was feelin so much more happy an positive, like I could live my life without thinking I was going to die, but now this second lymph has appeared I am back to square one. Could reiki have caused this swelling?

Also I think my right lymph under ear, below jaw has also swelled.

30-08-14, 13:48
Hey, I've just discovered one behind my ear which I believe has been caused by a small insect bite on my head!

I first starting fearing nodes a couple of years ago, I found a few in my neck and collarbone. Nothing wrong but they seemed to pop up more after having physio and manipulation on my neck. Drs say that can't cause it but I found an obscure website that says it can.

My son has also had one since February, about 2 cms. He has seen a specialist about it and he says they can often come up and never go back down again.

---------- Post added at 13:48 ---------- Previous post was at 13:47 ----------

Also, I suffer rhinitis and other allergies all year round which affects my sinuses, this can also cause your nodes to swell x

30-08-14, 13:50
Im stressing over same thing at mo... i posted yesterday
I have what i thought was swollen nodes by my collarbone gp and haemo have both told me its nothing infact some of what i was feeling and thought was nodes was apparently tissue at the ends of my collarbones not even nodes.... ive prodded everything so much i think ive made it all swell and my neck be sore.
I had ct scan done Thurs and im so stressed over results.... dr only did it cause he said give me peace of mind. I want the peace of mind but also scared now something going to show.
Ive had normal bloods clear xrays so nothing that points to anything being wrong but im freaked still.
Even now last few days im thinking omg ive a cough so i must have something in my chest (chest xray 2 wks ago clear). The main thing worrying me tho is ive itching well kinda burning feeling skin on arms hands and feet and my chest which of course google tells me is bad! Feels really weird kinda prickly.
So your not alone anyway. ... im doing my best to hold myself together till i get results and praying nothing is wrong

30-08-14, 15:39
Cancerous nodes can be as hard as you want but they always attach themselves to nearby tissue so they cannot be moved around, so you definitely don't have cancer besides the size is too small

30-08-14, 16:14
I sometimes wonder can i move mine or is it just popping under my finger if u get me?? I guess though id know if it wasnt moving.... none of mine are rock hard and they defo all move a bit at least. Also i keep trying to tell myself pain etc is normally only a symptom at more advanced stages (*isn't it?) When surely it would then show in my bloods? Everything ive read (scaring myself in process?) Most people rarely had any symptoms let alone pain

30-08-14, 17:58
I have one above my right collarbone and in front of my right ear too! Had bloods done couple months ago and was all ok, dr said she could feel them up a bit but didn't seam to make much of it.
I've been on holiday for a couple weeks so was too busy to poke and prod but there still there :(

30-08-14, 21:19
Thank you so much for all your replies. I feel so much better now. I've been in such a daze all day and feeling confused and dizzy (probably because of being anxious). The nodes are hard and it is the first time I have ever had them. When I went to the doctor I only had the one below collar bone, when checking me the doctor said my right nostril was inflamed so maybe it is something to do with my sinuses. Would a problem with my sinuses not show in my bloods? I (stupidly) googled this a few weeks ago and it says only inflammation or infection can cause nodes To swell and if no infection ten be worried (I will never google again).

What scared me was sufferers of hodgkinson and non hodgkinsons said it cannot show in bloods?

Ps try not to worry about your ct scan results, it's the best thing for you and is a positive because if there is something you will find it sooner :)