24-12-06, 01:32
so im in the car with my co workers ... im sitting in the back seat just trying to rest on our long drive,....... and i swear to you people i had not one thought on my mind about anxiety at all!!!! not even sub conciously!!!! and this is what scares me about wondering if its my heart or not....

while i was sitting there with my eyes close all of a sudden it felt like my heart stopped for like 3 or 4 seconds and this gnarly crazy sensation came over me and then it felt like a surge of blood shot through out my whole body... it was a warm tingly feeling that shot straight through my whole body after that crazy sensation i had... as soon as i had it i sat up super fast and tried not to panic. and i got through it.. but i mean come on that cant be normal... physical symptoms come from the pschycological stuff right? well this was straight symptoms.. no thoughts.... i know u all arent doctors or anything and ur all probably gonna tell me its just anxiety but what could this be? im 23.. could i possibly have heart problems? my family has no history of heart disease... sooooo????????

one more thing... before all this happend(and please dont think i am disgusting i was suuper hungry and didnt have breakfast) i had mc donalds. i had a small sized double cquarter pounder... two chicken sandwhichs with cheese and no mayo.. and a large coke and then an apple pie... soooo i think i am more scared than alot of you.. look how much a freak i look.. i have posted more bulletins in 2 days than any one has in a year of being on here.. i fear so much there is something wrong with me...... [V]

brandon town

24-12-06, 02:14
Hi Brandon,
I think most people with anxiety fear the worst when they experience mind and body symptoms. Even when other people tell us not to worry, we still do. I found that for me it took seeing a psychologist to convince me that I am not going crazy. However some days I still think I am crazy lol. I think it is important to always rule out any medical problems first. Once you have done that I think that being educated about anxiety will help you cope better because you will understand what is happening to you.
Take care,

24-12-06, 03:07
thanks alot i appreciate it. but do u have any idea of what those could be?

brandon town

24-12-06, 06:38

It sounds to me like a palpitation. I have had so many of these. I don't know the exact medical terms but its when the heart kinda gets out of time for a second so it beats harder the next time to make up for it. Its not dangerous, it means its doing its job. The sensation afterwords is the adreniline pumping through your body which comes with the panic of something like a palpitation that so many of us experience. Palpitations are more likely to happen after a big meal or laying doen too quickly after a meal. As I said, it is very common, I get them all the time. They can't be stopped and will come on whether stressed, anxious or not. When we are anxious, you may feel them more as we are hypersensitized or highly tuned to what our bodies are doing. I hope this helps, but if you are still worried, the best thing is to see a doctor and get some reasurance, but at your age and with no family histoty, it is extremely unlikely to be anything else. :)

24-12-06, 15:00
cazza thank you so much your amazing. i thought palpations was just your heart racing? this feels like my heart stops and then whammmmmmy!!!! after 4 seconds of it not beating a warmth shoots through my body with tons of tingling... but ill try not to worry. gosh i love this website!

brandon town

24-12-06, 20:58
I get these too. Feels like my heart stops beating, then a huge thump and then it carries on. These, I believe, are ectopic beats. You get 2 close together then a pause then the beats resume back to normal. You don't actually miss any beats at all, but it feels like it. I've had this picked up on ECG and then reassurance that this is really common and completely harmless. The cardiologist even told me that he gets them himself from time to time.

They can be triggered by caffeine (maybe the coke you had?) and of course anxiety plays a huge part, as it does in everything!

Incidentally, mine always come on when I am resting - especially when I get into bed at night. Which is so weird, because this is when I'm most relaxed.

But they are very common and they are harmless. Try not to worry about them, but I do appreciate they can be scarey.

Also, mine started when I was taking a vitamin B complex and someone on here has also posted about this. Just wondered if you were taking anything like this? When I stopped taking the supplements, they did improve - I still get them but not as intense and I can more or less ignore them now!

Hope this helps. Have a great Xmas.

25-12-06, 00:18
Hi hun :)
Don't ever worry about how many times you have posted!! After all we are here to suppot each other. That is the whole purpose of this site :)
As far as the problem you had in the car. I've had that same thing happen ALOT!! And my first thought for the longest time was, 'what the @@@@!!! I don't feel panicy or anything so it has to be something physically wrong with me.'
The truth is that you don't have to be thinking about anything for anxiety to set in. It's a brain response to stimuli (from my understanding). You're brain is unconciously seeing riding or driving in a car as a danger - for whatever reason and then in turn sending signals thru your body so you can fight or flee from that 'danger'.
I know that it's scary but it won't cause any long term damage to you physically and the more you face it and make it thru, the easier it will be to tell yourself that you will be okay and eventually it won't be a trigger for your anxiety anymore.
Also I know that when I haven't eaten my anxiety is a whole lot worse but eating a big meal like that will only make you more tired and I know from previous posts that you are having a problem with fatigue right now so... little amounts more often would probably be better for you in the long run hun :)
Don't let it get you down - you will make it thru this!!!!

25-12-06, 03:38
Alright so I'm not a doctor but maybe it was your blood sugar changing? You said you had not eaten and then you had a big meal, maybe your sugar level just adjusted and caused you some oddness for a minute.

Ok well I said I'm not a doc, maybe you could look it up on WebMD?

McDonalds is quite scrumptious also. ;)

If nothing else...I will survive.

To: SSJHSMH-You are light and my heart and strength. I will protect you in this life or the next always.