View Full Version : omg sweating and its making me panick

30-08-14, 12:19
I don't no why I sweating now I am panicking seem like I lost control over my thinking like why is this happening I panic over being g to hot as heard people can spontanousely combust is this truexxxx

30-08-14, 15:29
Spontaneously combusting is one of those things that noone knows for certain if it exists or not....... you have more chance of getting hit by a bus while swimming in the ocean wearing a pink tutu than spontaneously combusting.

you are sweating because it is warm... get a fan or open a window, go sit in the garden with a drink.

30-08-14, 15:55
Are you menopausal?

30-08-14, 17:40
No done then meno but thanks for the reply it made me laugh lol

30-08-14, 17:42
are you on meds or just coming off meds?

That can cause a lot of excessive sweating

30-08-14, 19:59
Yeah just started sertaline just fourth week xx

30-08-14, 20:03
think its a common side effect, it should pass

30-08-14, 22:06
Definitely a side effect of sertraline....happened to me...it does go though

30-08-14, 23:07
When I started an SSRI (and throughout honestly) I was sweating a lot more than I used to.