View Full Version : its always there

30-08-14, 14:54
hi all,

its been quite a while since i visited this forum, a year and 2 months actually, (i m seeing at the top of the screen:) ) how many things have happened in these months....

its all been going well lately apart from this feeling that its too good to be true, that something terrible is going to happen.this is my main worry at the moment, my wife was diagnosed with endometriosis (women s stuff, so if you are a male go google it up please :) ) and our gyne suggested that we should have a baby. this is what is triggering my anxiety again i think...having a baby...and the usual 'what ifs' start to come in mind.."what if there will be complications?", what if...everything...its scaring the hell out of me....

the story is longer but i tried to keep it short as i could...

any way thanks for reading...the fact that i have written it down makes me feel a little bit better

30-08-14, 16:27
Think about how many people have babies every day:)