View Full Version : Trouble Swallowing

24-12-06, 03:47

I've been having a problem with my swallowing. It effects me a little when i'm eating, but mainly when i'm drinking. This has been going on for several months now. I've tried to ignore it and distract myself when drinking, but this past week it has seemed to be getting much worse. I'm worried that it will get to the point where i can't drink at all. My throat seems to be closing, it feels tight all the time. I know this is down to my anxiety, but also wondered if it might be my smoking which affects it.

Anyone know if i give up smoking, will that help? i mean in terms of my swallowing issues.




24-12-06, 14:00
Hi Gregor

I dont know if stopping smoking will help with your swallowing troubles, but it will help with the anxiety, Nicotine can make your heart race.

Having trouble swallowing is a very common sign of anxiety.

I hope you have a good Xmas in spite of this little worry.:D

"Smile Like You Mean It"

24-12-06, 18:02
Hi Gregor,
I may have replied to you before regarding this prob ...but I have similar difficulties but mines with food ...at this time of year it is more stressful cos everything is centered around food! The last week or so I have got more and more stressed about how i'm gonna manage over Christmas with eating in front of family when i'm struggling so much at the moment and guess what... I've found it even harder to eat...my anxiety has been rising and i feel like i cant breath ..what a hysterical state to get into! Today i was convinced i'd end up in A&E I was struggling so much with the breathing and the thing that was triggering this high level of stress was having dinner...well i sat there and thought i gotta get through this...it took me about 45 mins to eat but i managed a satisfactory amount to keep me going.....immediately after managing this my breathing felt calmer and my anxiety has gone down by about 70% ...sorry to go on and on but the point i'm trying to get across is the more you stress over it the worse it all becomes.... Try to chill out a bit ,food and liquid from what i can gather from others involve the same swallowing function so if you can do one ok then there is nothing wrong with your throat its all the work of anxiety and negative thinking..trust me i'm a pro at worry and negativity! You will be fine there is nothing wrong...Enjoy your x-mas love jodiex

J Baker