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billy panic
30-08-14, 21:22
Hello everyone were shall I begin I started feeling unwell 10 years ago I started getting brain vaults that went all the way down to my feet on and of for a few years that's gone now but what I get now is far worse I get this type of headrush dizziness I can't walk propley with it well I can just about walk I lay down on my left side to make it feel less serve I can't look up or side ways it's so scary this can last from 4to 15 hours I've fe ivelt like takeing my life I've had MRI tests caloric test seen 4 different ent doctors I have also lost a bit of hearing in right ear with titneus they all say it's stress and panic causing i

billy panic
02-09-14, 20:54
No replys perhaps I posted on the wrong part of fourm

02-09-14, 20:58
I cannot offer any help but I can offer a welcome and hope that you find some friendly advice here. I wish you all the best.

billy panic
02-09-14, 21:19
Thankyou it's hard to explain how I feel just wanted to know if my symtoms could be caused by stress and panic that's what 4 doctors told me but symtoms are so strong it's hard to belive stress and panic could be the cause

02-09-14, 21:27
Well, if 4 different Docs have told you the same thing then I would tend to believe them. I've only ever had one full-blown panic attack but by golly I thought I was dying. Stress can cause massive effects.

02-09-14, 21:31
I don't know about the brain vaults but I have experienced extreme dizziness through panic. Before I began having full on panic attacks and therefore recognised my anxiety I used to have these awful episodes of dizziness....I now recognise that they were anxiety related. I am no doctor so I don't know if your symptoms are stress/panic related but just wanted to offer my experience.

T xx

03-09-14, 11:32
I get headrushes,pressure up neck into head and blocked ears ,off balance feelings full head feelings all anxiety xx

billy panic
11-09-14, 17:48
Thank you for your replies

billy panic
18-09-14, 21:54
I forgot to say when I do get up I can't stand up straight because it gets worse also the floor seems it's moveing side to side very fast a bit like I'm standing on a earthquake I've never Hurd anyone with this symptom I lost my girlfriend of 16 years she diddent leave because of this illness she left because of the depression and extreme fear it caused me

billy panic
24-09-14, 16:14
I had a bad attack again last night it lasted from 12am until 9am I was badly vomiting my head felt like is being thrown everywhere couldent stand properly the ground was shakeing side to side went to emergency doctor he's I got ear infection and Benign postionel vertigo I don't belive I got that because I e Hurd that only lasts about a minute at a time

billy panic
26-09-14, 14:35

26-09-14, 16:15
Have you heard of something called Labyrinthitis? It affects the inner ear and can cause all sorts of terrible symptoms for rather large periods of time! This may be something to look into.

As others have said, if 4 doctors have told you the same thing then it's unlikely they're all wrong. I know that it's very hard to believe them when you are experiencing such horrible, life altering symptoms, but the only chance any of us have to get through this is to trust their judgement. Remember that they see many many patients every day whose experiences simply add to the wealth of knowledge that they have acquired through several years at med school.

I'm struggling to believe FIVE different GPs just now as I've been suffering with horrendous chest discomfort for weeks now, so I know how hard it can be to accept a diagnosis of anxiety, but know that you're not alone. x

26-09-14, 23:49
Do you still have the tinnitus? I've had it for a month now.

billy panic
28-09-14, 02:13
Thank you lalouba and panicbgone1 my tinnitus never goes and a blocked feeling