View Full Version : Severe anxiety and eating disorder?

31-08-14, 01:26
2 years ago I got the norovirus my fear of vomitting started then I had CBT therapy which didn't help much then approx 2 weeks later I got gastroentritis and was in hospital for 6 days being treated for that my stomach hasn't been the same since I used to be 57kg and now I am 38 but it does go up and down. I was diagnosed with post infectious IBS I am currently under a gastroentroligst but I do my own research too. Ever since I had this awful stomach bug I have such a fear of going out on the day I got norovirus which is a Saturday, I get worried going shopping or in crowded places but since then my stomach hasn't been the same my appetite used to be very good and I used to be able to eat alot nowdays I can't even eat a kids portion of pasta everyone is convinced I am petrified to eat due to my IBS which does flare up and down but I am not convinced I am very interested in medicine and do my own research very often when I do eat I eat very well I just got back from holiday and was eating 3 whole plates then fruit for desert I am also lactose intolerant. I have had EVERY single test done to find the cause of my constant upper stomach pain which causes me daily nausea and loss of appetite so now everyone thinks its just in my head when I feel like this isn't the case.

Has anyone got any idea if it is IBS I feel like I am getting fobbed off by my consultant and he doesn't take me seriously enough I do eat well but when I am anxious I still eat so now I have been referred to see somebody else I feel like they are trying to cause problems instead of helping me

Any help would be greatly appreciated this has been going on for nearly 2 years and its getting worse thank you