View Full Version : Should I try Cannabis again?

31-08-14, 03:21
I remember trying Cannabis a few times back in 2011 and there was this one time where I felt my problems were so far away the day after I smoked it. Is that a sign that the drug benefits me and that it I should give it another shot to see if it help with my Anxiety? I am really keen to try the drug again to see if it will help me change my state of mind. What do you guys think? Should I a least give it another try and see if it will help me get over my Anxiety?

31-08-14, 03:53
I think you can try it for fun, but you probably shouldn't try it as a permanent solution to anxiety. Getting stoned demotivates people. They don't want to do stuff any more and this affects the rest of their lives in a negative way.

Also if you have any family history of schizophrenia you should avoid weed because it brings out that disorder.

Getting stoned can be fun but make sure you have friends nearby who can look after you if you start freaking out.

31-08-14, 03:58
Thanks for the helpful advice. My family doesn't have any history Schizophrenia, and it I have always found that 60's music has always been a great interests of mine and that I would like to see if Cannabis can benefit my Anxiety and make me reach a better state of mind.

31-08-14, 04:14
If it doesn't work you could always donate it to me ;) Joking aside (am I really joking?), cannabis can cause anxiety issues to heighten and has triggered panic attacks as posted several times on the boards.

Positive thoughts

31-08-14, 04:16
If it doesn't work you could always donate it to me ;) Joking aside (am I really joking?),

Knowing UK Customs, as long as he marks it 'gift' it might just get through...:roflmao:

31-08-14, 04:17
Lol! I just find it weird that the day after I smoked it I felt like all my problems were cleared away. I have always thought of that as a sign that the drug could really help me. I don't plan on smoking it everyday or anything like that, but I am thinking of smoking it the odd time to see if does bring anything to the table for me.

31-08-14, 04:38
But do you plan to use it as a relief or as something alongside a way to remove the anxiety completely e.g. therapy?

31-08-14, 07:31
Hate to be preachy but any disorder and drugs just don't and should never mix. Just because you had a good experience once doesn't mean it will be that way again. Weed is the number one cause of dissociation symptoms, which then makes anxiety worse. If you have an anxiety disorder, stay away from it. It really won't do you any good, even if it feels that way. If anxiety is already playing around with your brain chemistry, why mess with that further?

31-08-14, 08:39
What Lyn says is spot on so, in answer to your question - no, no and no again.

Please do some internet research on this and find out how it can be a trigger for anxiety disorders.

It may not be today, or tomorrow but at some point the chances are it will come back and bite you hard in the backside. If you value your mental health don't risk it.

31-08-14, 12:21
I found that it helped me for quite a while (when used safely with experienced friends indoors), but one time I felt awful and I haven't used it since. I also found that it made my tremors much worse and my full body was jerking and shaking.

31-08-14, 14:01
What would a few sessions of using it benefit you in the long run? It will just make you feel better temporarily with the risk of really ****ing up your brain. If you've yet to find the solution to your anxiety you're better investing your time and energy in that.

31-08-14, 15:27
It's recently been proven that paranoia is a side effect of smoking cannabis. Other than that and a link to bringing out schizophrenia I've never heard of any other bad side effects.
I'd imagine if it can make people paranoid it can also increase anxiety but I don't know about that.

I think it can have a good impact on people providing they are occasional users not dependant on it. If you do choose to use it then be aware of and look for signs of yourself becoming dependant on it and nip it in the bud (no pun intended :shades: ) before that happens. Treat it the same you would if you were thinking of the odd glass of wine before bed or drinking socially. Don't binge, and don't let it become something you NEED to do or do everyday.
I've been considering this too, but as an occasional thing only like literally twice a month and no more. Not that I know where to get any lol.

The other thing to consider is that if you start will you be able to stop? Not because it's addictive but because you might come dependant on it even if you just use it occasionally - and then when you come off it you'll feel awful. I've seen a lot of people post about that on here so might be worth reading up about that before you start.

31-08-14, 15:32
Is marijuana legal for medical purposes in the UK?

The only reason I ask is it is becoming legal as a prescribed drug here in the US but that is a product that is controlled, regulated, and basically you know what you are getting and are under the supervision of a doctor. It's very different from street marijuana.

I would avoid it, like others have said, esp because you do not know what else might be in it. I work on a psych floor of a hospital and people come in all the time with serious disorders triggered by "just smoking pot" - you don't know what else is in it.

31-08-14, 18:21
A white powder can be cut with a ton of things but weed is pretty distinctive looking, if you're conned its far more likely to be because you're sold oregano or herbs instead.

Another thing worth thinking about is getting in trouble for possession .

31-08-14, 18:34
Half Jack - full on skunk is full of horrors, one may not know if they've got artificially strengthened cannabis if he's getting it in that condensed form. This is what I know from my weed friends, I've not tried it myself how ever much it's been rubbed under my nose.

31-08-14, 19:12
Oh sorry! Do they use harmful chemicals to strengthen it? No one I know goes anywhere near any of the condensed forms of it.
Drugs are a bit of a minefield risk wise, lots of risks we don't expect.

01-09-14, 03:29
A white powder can be cut with a ton of things but weed is pretty distinctive looking, if you're conned its far more likely to be because you're sold oregano or herbs instead.

I was livid when this happened to me. I really wanted it for seasoning and all I got was a bag of skunk! No use at all to me! :D

---------- Post added at 03:24 ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 ----------

Is marijuana legal for medical purposes in the UK?

The only reason I ask is it is becoming legal as a prescribed drug here in the US but that is a product that is controlled, regulated, and basically you know what you are getting and are under the supervision of a doctor. It's very different from street marijuana.

I would avoid it, like others have said, esp because you do not know what else might be in it. I work on a psych floor of a hospital and people come in all the time with serious disorders triggered by "just smoking pot" - you don't know what else is in it.

Its not currently despite many trying to downgrade it, including some leading police chiefs. So, the result is that people if a lot of pain still have to purchase it illegally, or they can rely on the legally provided prescribed medicines that carry a ton of side effects and don't do much anyway.

---------- Post added at 03:29 ---------- Previous post was at 03:24 ----------

Oh sorry! Do they use harmful chemicals to strengthen it? No one I know goes anywhere near any of the condensed forms of it.
Drugs are a bit of a minefield risk wise, lots of risks we don't expect.

Its like anything you can buy that has no manufacturing standard e.g. perfume toped up with urine, cigarettes with rats in, etc. Its a chance you take with any salesman, legal or illegal who doesn't conform to a hygiene or manufacturing standard but in the case of illegal or banned substances, it could be a damaging combination due to the nature of the substances involved.

My view on it all is that its only a temporary thing, you still need long term solutions to cure your anxiety. But I also recognise that at the worst stages of this you find yourself wishing it would all end, so I won't ever judge anyone who does self medicate, whether its drugs or alcohol, but its whether you go into it with your eyes open to the risks and not pushed by the anxiety.

You are very right about not being able to stop. Its the same with anti depressants which are no longer habit forming in the physical sense, but they can still be in a mental sense.

01-09-14, 03:50
Haha that's some expensive oregano!