View Full Version : Stupid me :(

31-08-14, 09:46
Hi everyone
Not sure if anybody read my other post but...
I've been to the doctors recently about a range of things but mainly random lump behind my ear (I don't need to explain what I think is wrong I'm sure...) I saw a different gp from usual and she was good and sent me for blood tests to see if there was anything going on.
I had these after a week of waiting, rung the surgery and the receptionist went through, liver function normal, this normal that normal... Oh full blood count... There's an abnormality and you need to come in for another test in 3 weeks. I was so upset that I couldn't even talk properly and accepted the first appointment n hung up, cried, googled (even though I don't even know what was abnormal) cried some more, came on here and read some posts n cried some more. I'm so sad and can't reassure myself because a test has actually indicted that something's wrong. I'm terrified :(

31-08-14, 10:09
Ask for an appointment straight away to discuss the matter with the DOCTOR who will explain the situation. It could be a cyst.

31-08-14, 10:10
Bloods can be out for a variety of reasons, it doesn't mean that it's the worst reason! Did you talk to your doc about the abnormality? It could just be your bloods are high or low in a certain enzyme due to an infection or something like that!

Last time I had bloods done doc was telling me that your blood levels can change due to lots of things, you can have perfectly normal ones and a week later something will be diff cause you got a paper cut or something!

Receptionists are not doctors or nurses. I would call your GP and ask for the results to be explained. I bet you will feel a heap better afterwards.

You're not stupid. Health anxiety is stupid!

31-08-14, 14:52
Thanks for the replies guys!
I didn't get to chat to a doctor, the receptionist just said that her computer said I need a retest in 3 weeks time, I was so upset/confused/shocked I just made an appointment and hung up.
I think il call back to moor and ask if a doctor could call me back to explain.
Thanks again, I hate health anxiety :( xxx

04-09-14, 14:22
You'll be ok I'm sure I had a low kidney function and it resolved itself next time I had it done :) let us no how u get on

04-09-14, 14:28
I had a borderline high level on one of mine after a CBC and I was the same way as you. The receptionists aren't very good at easing your worries, mine made me have a panic attack in the waiting area.

I asked my doctor about it and he said it could be down to anything, even a cold (which I had at the time) and is why I have to go back. Still quite scared but definitely see if you can talk with a doctor if just to ease your worries in the mean time. :hugs:

Also as others have said, bloods can be off now and again due to the smallest of things, even eating something specific before your blood test can shake it a bit, xx

04-09-14, 14:39
You've spent a week making yourself sick. Sitting and worrying about this is akin to worrying why you can't see while you're wearing a blindfold. In both cases the solution is simple. Take the blindfold off and call the doctor, ask for a call back to explain what's going on. Problem solved! ;)

Positive thoughts

04-09-14, 15:52
Thanks for all of the replies everyone :)
I haven't managed to call the doctors - my first week back at work has been hectic! But feeling less freaked out now, the doctor would have called or sent me for other tests if it looked completely out of whack. Il just wait and see what the next ones say in 3 weeks time, I can't do much else, worrying/not worrying won't change anything - except the nasty effect of stress on the body!
Really appreciate all the replies though :) thanks for the support

04-09-14, 18:07
I had a borderline high level on one of mine after a CBC and I was the same way as you. The receptionists aren't very good at easing your worries, mine made me have a panic attack in the waiting area.

I second that. My receptionist rung me to tell me my white blood cell count was low. What do I do? Google and BAM, first result is leukaemia.

To OP, abnormalities can be completely mild and nothing to worry about. I think you would have needed to book an appointment immediately to discuss with your doctor what was wrong if it was serious, I'm sure you'd be inundated with phone calls from them.

They also want to give you further tests so they're keeping a close eye on you so even if something DOES need to be seen to, you're in the best hands. :)


05-09-14, 02:59
Like the others have said, anything could be off and by the next time you go in, they could have corrected themselves. It could have nothing at all to do with the lump.

I have a lump behind my ear (and another under my chin). I've had them for at *least* 15 years now. I went to the doc and he wasn't worried but ran blood tests anyway. They came back normal and I was relieved. Not every lump means the worst :)

Hang in there. I think if it were something truly serious the doctor would have had a solid idea when you first went in. I'm betting your situation is similar - she ran tests just to be sure and for your peace of mind. Yes, yours came back with "something" but again, that could be anything at all. So as hard as I know it is, take a deep breath and have some faith. If it gets too bad, just call in and see.

24-09-14, 08:44
Update - just been for my repeat blood tests - decided to suck it up and ask what was wrong, she said a bit low on nutracell and white blood count, but apparently "sometimes they just go a bit funny" !?
Have the wait for results now, worse part! I'm quite anxious about it :(

---------- Post added at 08:44 ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 ----------

Nurtaphills? Neutrasomthing lol x