View Full Version : Teeth Getting removed on Tuesday PETRIFIED

31-08-14, 14:37
Hello everyone,

So yeah on Tuesday i have my long awaited hospital appointment to get 2 Bicuspid teeth took out, Last year i had an incident at the dentist were they gave me the shots that contained adrenaline and i thought i was going to die nd so did my dentist.

So hospital appointment with local anesthetic without adrenaline. I am still freaking out that 1. I will die 2. I will have a massive anxiety attack and Faint or die 3. I will react to the anesthetic and die and 4. That its going to really hurt.

So yeah as you can imagine i am freaking out majorly!! just need some reassurance guys or some coping techniques.


31-08-14, 16:30
I was sedated to have mine out, could you call and ask if this is a possibility for you.

31-08-14, 18:25
I work in a dental facility, so I hope this helps. Sedation would be a wonderful solution. However if that's not possible, we always tell our patients with anxiety, to bring something to soothe them, head phones to play calming or your favorite music or a comfort piece to focus on. I work there and can barely sit through a cleaning without crying or losing it, so I focus on a picture of my children and remember my breathing. It's not always easy, I know, but sometimes simple things calm myself and our patients. I'll be thinking of you and send up a prayer.

31-08-14, 20:00
You will be fine, put your anxiety in their hands and in the process of trust
they will sooth and nurse you through any and all sensations
just accept the way you feel is ok, even if its unpleasant.
They are professional people who are well trained
you do not have to carry this stress, put your safety in their good hands :)
come back and tell us how it went -

01-09-14, 10:48
Thanks guys, I cant have sedation as im petrified of being out of it or getting put to sleep and yup you guessed it not waking up im a bloody nightmare, My partner is going to come with me and hopefully him being there might make me a little calmer, I will let you guys know how it all went.

02-09-14, 20:57
Well got my teeth removed was in and out within 30 minutes the jags were horrendous but the extraction of teeth was not aside from the sweating nearly vomiting and nearly passing out if I hadn't sat back down in the waiting room with my head between my legs was not as bad as I thought. So I'm now going to sit and moan in pain to my hubby for the next 2 days :-)

02-09-14, 21:02
I am pleased it is over with for you. Make sure you rest for the next few days x