View Full Version : Pre holiday anxiety

17-08-04, 09:25
Hi guys,

Feeling a bit low at the moment. I have just finished work for two weeks and have been looking forward to this for ages. We are going away (me, my husband and son) for a few days and I just have been feeling so anxious the last day or so it's unbelievable.

Seems like all the old feelings are coming back again - it almost feels like I seem to want to find something to make me anxious which is bizarre as I'd love nothing better than to be free from this for good!

Does anyone else feel like this ? Don't know whether it's just a pre holiday thing but it feels so frustrating as I have been looking forward to the break for so long and now I feel like I can't enjoy it because of my anxiety. The old feelings of noticing things about my son (I have what is definitely an obsessive compulsion about my son's health) and I can't believe that his symptoms are suddenly worse, more just that I seem to be looking for them and therefore noticing them again.

It just feels so bad as a few days ago I was feeling much better and more positive, now it almost feels like back to square one - although I know I should just look upon this as a blip and it will get better which I am trying to do.

I am also trying to work through it with some relaxation breathing techniques and positive thinking. I'm off to get my hair done later this morning so hopefully a bit of tlc will help!!

Arrgh!! It feels so annoying - why can't I just enjoy things instead of putting barriers between myself and enjoyment !!

Hope you are all well,

17-08-04, 09:45
Hi Mell,
I can really relate to what you are saying as i have just come back off holiday!. Two weeks before i was due to go i started to get anxious and started worrying about going away and what would happen if i was bad while i was away, you know the sort of thing. When the holiday acctualy started i found all my worries dissapear and to be honest with you i hadnt felt so relaxed in ages. Hopefuly once you are away you will start to relax and enjoy yourself! use whatever distraction methods you use and you will be allright. Think of it as another challenge to conquer and once youve been and had a good time you will feel a lot better.

hope this helps

take care

17-08-04, 10:21
H Mell

I think this is completely normal. I was a complete wreck before I went away a couple of weeks ago. In fact if you look back on my post you will see that a lot of people who have experienced similar things and I remember seeing another post about much the same.

So hang in there, you will be ok and even if you do have some blips, that's fine too.

Take care