View Full Version : tingling ears

24-12-06, 11:28
does anyone get tingling in their ears? is it another anxiety symptom or could it be sinus related please put mind at rest folks
merry xmas mick

my life has been full of terrible events most of which have never happened!

24-12-06, 17:16
Hmm, well what do you mean by tingling in your ears? INSIDE your ears tingle? Or around them on the outside?

“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”


24-12-06, 18:08
inside my ears

my life has been full of terrible events most of which have never happened!

24-12-06, 21:36
please there must be someone out there who can explain why ive got this tingling feeling in my ears im getting worried now help:(mick

my life has been full of terrible events most of which have never happened!